1.5 years ago, I had no idea that my body was doing awesome things for me. I wasn't aware, I didn't really pay attention and I definitely didn't
Are You Catastrophizing Over Your Health?
You can probably relate to today's topic really well if you've been extremely worried about your weight gain. But not only -- whatever the (health)
What’s Missing from Our Definition of Healthy
I was on a vacation the last weekend, and it was a wonderful time. I felt really healthy, but not because I ate perfectly healthy and worked out every
5 Things That Us Women Need to Stop Doing
Doing certain things or behaving a certain way is holding us women back from becoming who we really could become and unlocking our true
Rini of OwnItBabe: Recovering from 12 Years of Excessive Exercise and Dieting
Today's interview is with the wonderful Rini of Own It Babe. Rini is a personal trainer and group fitness trainer based in Calgary, Canada. She has
Jenny de Marco: Train Less, Rest More and Get Better Results
Today's interview is with Jenny de Marco, women's health and fitness coach and a certified intuitive eating coach. Years ago, Jenny went through a
How Social Media Can Help You To Find Body Acceptance
Most of us spend quite a bit of time on social media... which is why we know how much seeing perfect bodies can make us feel bad. People tend to
33 Things That I’ve Learned in 33 Years
Today is my 33th birthday and to celebrate that, I wanted to share with you 33 things that I've learned in the 33 years of my life. So let's take a
Should We Just… Chill Out More?
Many people – and it often seems that especially women – have extremely high expectations for themselves. But these big, often unreasonable
Being on the Health and Fitness Rollercoaster Sucks
Are you on a health and fitness rollercoaster all the time? If you feel crappy for eating something forbidden and can't stop putting yourself down for
Train Often, Not Longer and a 7-Minute Shaky Arms Bodyweight Workout
How often should I exercise? People ask this question a lot. People have different goals and reasons for working out. Most people want to lose
Do You Have All The Tools, But No Results?
We like fresh beginnings and new starts. They give us the chance to make resolutions (hello, new year!). But it happens over and over again that