Today's interview is with Jenny de Marco, women's health and fitness coach and a certified intuitive eating coach.
Years ago, Jenny went through a serious burnout herself when she worked out a ton and ate a very strict diet to prepare for a figure competition. The combination of training hard, super stressful job and loss of her mom, her health started falling apart.
Today, she has found her balance and she is now helping other women do the same. She is a perfect example of how working out less and being more flexible with your diet, actually gives you better results.
I really hope you give this interview a listen because I'm 100% sure that you're going to love it and learn from it.
Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see all the past interviews as well and get an email when the next video drops!
Here are the timestamps of this video:
00:35 Jenny introduces herself
02:20 Emotional eating and food issues that started from very early on
02:30 Not knowing how to make food choices after stopping playing collegiate basketball
03:30 Combination of stressful work and training for figure competition
04:15 Packing food for long trips in order to follow the “perfect” diet at any cost
05:15 Why we forget to ask from our bodies what they need
05:50 Binge eating as a result of under eating
06:35 Jenny's signs of overtraining
07:30 Why it feels that you can never get full when you first start eating more after being on a restrictive diet
08:30 “Failing your diet” has nothing to do with willpower
09:30 Why trying to eat something else instead of what you're really craving is a bad idea
10:00 How to start intuitive eating when you're terrified of letting go of control
12:15 The importance of eating mindfully
14:15 Stop eating like it's your “last supper”
15:10 What signs of hormonal imbalance Jenny experienced during her overtraining days
17:30 Jenny's diet while she was training for figure competitions
18:35 Menstrual cycle disturbances during that time
19:10 What happened when Jenny changed up her workout routine and let go of restricting her food
23:00 How movement and eating should really make you feel
24:00 Why it's important to work out and eat in a sustainable way
24:30 How Jenny's day of eating looks like now + a great tip introducing your “fear” foods again
28:50 How Jenny's workouts look like now
29:55 How Jenny's body composition has changed as a result of eating more freely and working out less
31:10 Signs that tell Jenny that she might be over training again
32:38 Jenny is currently pregnant with their 2nd child — what happens when she trains little too much
33:45 Bringing it all together: Our bodies are the smartest tools we have
35:20 How to contact with Jenny
Where to find Jenny:
Bits and pieces from Jenny:
[tweet_box design=”box_05″]Doing a figure competition seemed like a good way to get some control in my life that I didn't have otherwise. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]I did 30-40 minutes of cardio and lifted for an hour to an hour and a half a day, yet I didn't look like I was lifting weights. I just couldn't put on muscle. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]I was often in pain, couldn't recover, I was exhausted, hormonally a mess, I was iron deficient and I had no idea what my body needed. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]When you travel and have a suitcase packed with tilapia… It's just gross. Nobody should ever experience that. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]When we try to eat around what we really need, we eventually eat a ton of other things plus the thing we were trying to avoid at first. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]You're not supposed to always push harder. Sometimes you need to sit still and hear what your body is saying. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]When you give yourself the permission to eat what you were so scared of, you may find that you don't actually even want it. [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”box_05″]Life is so much more fun when you're not pushing yourself hard every second.[/tweet_box]
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