Below you will find all my free and paid programs, divided into 3 categories:
- MindBody Healing (Chronic Pain & Other Chronic Symptoms, also called TMS) programs
- Strength Training programs
- Nutrition & Body Composition (Muscle Building + Fat Loss) programs.
1. MindBody Healing (Chronic Pain & Other Chronic Symptoms, TMS)
Free Programs
Strong + Sensitive
Strong + Sensitive is a 14-day audio course designed for you if you have chronic pain or other symptoms, known as TMS, and / or if you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) who is dealing with anxiety, people pleasing, low self worth and has difficulty with setting boundaries.
This FREE program combines safe and simple strength training exercises with powerful mindset tools, which in combination help you increase your physical & mental strength. You will go from anxious, fearful, and lacking confidence TO calm, confident, and able to handle whatever life throws your way, and your chronic sensations will ease up as well.
Click HERE to join Strong + Sensitive!
Quiz: Identify and Solve Your Biggest Strength Training Fears
If you have chronic pain (TMS), you are likely staying away from working out because you are afraid. But you can, and should exercise because returning to normal activities, including exercise, is an extremely important part of your TMS recovery.
Only after you identify your biggest fear that is holding you back from starting a workout routine can you overcome that fear and become the fittest, strongest version of you and over time even ease your chronic pain or sensations (TMS). You will also get a super helpful mini training with this quiz!
Click HERE to take the quiz and get your FREE mini training!
Paid Programs
Emotionally Fit ($297)
Emotionally Fit helps you to heal or reduce your chronic pain or symptoms by managing, expressing and releasing your emotions in a healthy way.
Emotions play a big role in creating chronic health issues in the body. If you’re a person who says that she is not “very emotional”, who learned to tuck the emotions away since she was a child, or who feels ashamed about having emotions — then all this emotional suppression is a major reason why you have chronic symptoms or pain!
Emotionally Fit is exactly what you need, to start welcoming and releasing your emotions in a safe and healthy way and as a result, getting relief from chronic pain.
Here's what people are saying about Emotionally Fit:
Learn more and join Emotionally Fit HERE!
1:1 Chronic Pain (TMS) Recovery Coaching
Let’s get to the bottom of your chronic pain or other symptoms so that you can overcome them and enjoy a fun, pain-free life that you deserve.
This program is completely individualized so there is no one curriculum that applies to everyone. However, the common areas that often need to be addressed are past and present stress, childhood experiences, personality traits, emotional awareness, overcoming fears and getting back to normal life before the sensations leave!
Please click HERE to read what you can expect from 1:1 coaching for healing chronic symptoms (TMS).
Coaching includes:
- Biweekly Zoom calls (two 60-min calls per month)
- Text message access Mon-Fri
- Month 1: $300
- After that, month to month, $350 per month
2. Strength Training Programs
Paid Programs
Train to Build Starter ($77)
Train to Build STARTER is an 8-week program for beginners to strength training or for those who have had a long break from strength training. It is also meant for you if you’ve been having chronic pain or symptoms (TMS) and you want to get back to or get started with a simple strength training routine. The program uses just bodyweight and bands.
Challenging your sensations via physical exercise is a vital part of your TMS recovery because as you get moving again, your brain loses the fear and over time your pain starts to fade away too.
Here's what people are saying about Train to Build Starter (and you can find more HERE):

Learn more and join Train to Build STARTER HERE!
Train to Build Intermediate ($49 / month)
Train to Build Intermediate is an intermediate level strength training program meant for you if you already have some strength training experience or at least have completed the Train to Build STARTER program. The program is ongoing and you get new workouts every month.
This is a great program for building amazing strength and muscle, losing body fat and speeding up the metabolism. Dumbbells and resistance bands are required for this program and if you have access to the gym, that’s even better. You won’t be able to substitute exercises in this program for bodyweight only.
Here's what people have to say about Train to Build Intermediate (and you can find more HERE):
Learn more and join Train to Build Intermediate HERE!
3. Nutrition & Body Composition Change (Muscle Building + Fat Loss) Programs
Free Programs
Lean Ladies Calorie, Protein and Workout Blueprint
If you aren’t currently seeing the fat loss and muscle tone you want, then you’re most likely missing the 3 critical ingredients that I’m revealing in this FREE guide, Lean Ladies Calorie, Protein and Workout Blueprint.
You'll learn exactly how many calories and protein to eat based on your goals, and what kind of workouts you should do, to finally start seeing the results that you want to see!
Sign up for this FREE program HERE.
Fit Physique Formula Guide
Fit Physique Formula Guide helps you to get into the best shape of your life, by learning about, and then implementing the ONE change that you need, to get leaner, stronger and double your energy.
The key to your success is protein, and this detailed guide teaches you everything you need to know, about protein: Why it's important, exactly how much of it you should have based on your goals. You will also get a list of almost 40 most common protein foods that get you started out right.
Click HERE to get your guide!
Starting Macros
Starting Macros is a 5-day self paced introduction to macro tracking so that you can lose fat and build muscle more effectively.
If you are not getting the results you want to see, despite putting in all the work at the gym, you need to learn how to track your macros — that means, your protein, fat and carbs.
This free program teaches you how to put together balanced meals, navigate the real and “fun” foods, and get back on healthy eating if you got sidetracked by holidays or other life events.
This program is meant for complete beginners to macro tracking.
Click HERE to start your 5-day program!
Paid Programs
Metabolic Reset
Metabolic Reset is a program that is designed to rebuild your health and body after a long period of under-eating or yo-yo dieting. As a result, your metabolism has slowed down to the point where you now have to eat extremely little in order to avoid weight gain, and in some cases you may even started to gain weight despite eating next to nothing!
You are constantly hungry, your hormones are out of whack, you are feeling fatigued and the hours you put in in the gym are not paying off.
This program will teach you, step by step, how to get out of this cycle so that you will restore your metabolic health, hormonal balance and energy, and start seeing results from your workouts as well.
Learn more and sign up HERE!
One-Time Macro Calculation
Get your one-time macro calculation that is customized for you by a certified nutrition coach, not an online calculator!
Online macro calculators are NOT accurate in estimating your needs as they don't take into account your past weight losses or gains, possible dieting history, and the state of your metabolic health.
When I calculate your macros for you, I first ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire so that I get a picture of your current metabolic health and therefore your macro needs.
This one-time macro calculation is for you if you aren't ready for 1:1 coaching but want to get started with macro tracking.
Read more and sign up for it HERE.
1:1 Nutrition + Strength Training Coaching Mindful Macros
Mindful Macros is my signature program that has helped hundreds of women build strength and muscle, lose body fat, support hormonal health and rebuild their metabolism after years of restrictive dieting.
I NEVER prescribe restrictive, extremely limiting food rules and diets or intense training protocols that burn you out and leave you fatigued. My goal is to help you become a truly healthy version of yourself who values health and longevity over a certain number on the scale.
Please click HERE to read what you can expect from Mindful Macros, my 1:1 nutrition + strength training coaching.
Coaching Includes:
- Customized nutrition programming
- Workout programming
- Individualized weekly check ins via Zoom call or email
- Biweekly Zoom calls (two 30-min calls per month)
- Text message access Mon-Fri
- Access to private coaching portal and resources (including nutrition guides, grocery shopping tips, exercise demonstration videos, hormonal health guides and much more!)
- 6 months $1800
- Or month to month, $350 per month