Are You A Highly Sensitive Person Dealing with Chronic Symptoms?
Here you will learn how to build physical strength, empower your mind, and process your emotions — all so that you can conquer your chronic symptoms and anxiety.
Click HERE to get my FREE 14-day Mindset + Strength Course designed specifically for people with chronic symptoms and Highly Sensitive People!
Even if You Have Chronic Sensations (TMS), You Can – and Should – Exercise
I know what it’s like to have chronic sensations. I had 7 years of TMS back pain and other, smaller sensations as well.
There was a time when I was told by a chiropractor that I should never deadlift again because of how “bad” my back was. “Just make peace with the fact that you will never lift again,” was the advice.
But then I learned about TMS and realized that my pain was coming from the brain and nervous system. I learned that there was NOTHING wrong with me physically.
Since then, I always kept on some sort of movement because I knew that my body was okay. Even when it hurt, I did something, even if modified.
And as I got better, I started increasing the weights that I was lifting.
I can now lift 240 lbs (109 kg) barbell off the floor.
I move the way I want!
One of the big reason why people with TMS get even more stuck is that they become afraid to move their bodies. If this is you, I encourage you to do the OPPOSITE — move your body, because that way you prove to your brain that you are not afraid! You will get better!
Want evidence?
Check out my favorite success story with my client Amanda who reversed 13 years of chronic sensations with mindset work and strength training!
Why Strength Training is So Important for People With Chronic Symptoms and Highly Sentsitive People
Strong + Sensitive Mini Course