I've been running two days in a row now and both of my runs have been pretty long ones. “Long” can mean different things for different people and the meaning has changed over the time for me as well. Right now any run that lasts over 60 minutes is a long one for me.
On Sunday I had a lot of fun running with the GoWOW meetup group. It was my first time going there. I wasn't sure what to expect – I have to admit that meeting new people is not too easy and may be even a little intimidating for me. But I also know that I have to get over it and there's only one way of doing it.
The ladies I met were incredibly nice and friendly and it was so much fun to work out together. Time flies when you're having fun. Running brings people together and runners get each other so well! Angela was so right when she said that running friends are the best friends.
My intention was to run 60 minutes at a slow pace, but I felt really good and we were talking all the time, so before I knew it we hit the 4.5 miles turnaround point.
That's what I like about out-and-back runs – there is no way you can cut it shorter. You just have to ran all the way back. So we did 9 miles which is the longest I've run this spring.
So I guess I got kind of addicted to a good run and yesterday went running again. I had actually planned a strength training but really felt like running, so I did another 9 miler while listening to Lift Like A Girl podcast.
Today was definitely time to roll out my exercise mat and for some strength training. My long runs have taken quite a bit of time and I have some projects to finish up, so I was happily back to my usual less-than-30-minutes workouts.
It's been long since I last did one of my very favorite exercise, Turkish Get Ups. This is a perfect full body exercise, but what I love the most about it is how it works on my core.
I combined Turkish Get Ups with Hollow Rocks and Goblet Squats. A full body workout done in less than 30 minutes!
Equipment needed: A Kettlebell
I used 15 lbs kettlebell for the Get Ups. Make sure you don't use too heavy kettlebell if you are new to this exercise. You have to be able to keep the kettlebell on your straight arm and your posture nice and long throughout the moves.
Here's how to do a Turkish Get Up:
1. Lay on the floor, holding the kettlebell in your right hand. Push the arm straight so that the kettlebell is now above your head. Better not drop it!
2. Flex your right leg from your knee and keep the right heel close to your right buttock. Keep the left arm on your side and left leg stretched out. This is your starting position.
3. The next thing is to crunch to get up. Keeping your right hand straight all the time, start coming up by placing your left elbow and as you are moving up, your left palm on the floor. Now you should be in a comfortable sitting position, but it'll get hard!
4. Driving through your right heel, get into a high bridge position. Extend your hips and squeeze your glutes.
5. From the bridge position sweep the left leg from under your body and place the left knee next to your right foot. Your right arm is still up high and your gaze is on it all the time.
6. Last, place your left foot on the floor next to your right foot. You will now be standing feet parallel, right arm still up and straight.
7. Go back into your starting position following the exact same moves that you did for getting up. Place your left knee down next to your right foot; place your left hand down for support; sweep your left leg from under your body and stretch it out; then place your left elbow down and finally, bring your left arm to the floor by your side. You are back in your starting position.
8. Repeat everything with the other side of your body.
What is one of your very favorite core exercises?
Is meeting new people ever intimidating for you?
Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links, but they are for products that I totally recommend.
I keep waiting for that running addiction to kick in. I have just finally hit the point where I don’t despise it, but still definitely not addicted. Thanks for the workout tips! I need to invest in a kettle bell.
Hey Carissa! I guess it’s the little steps and increasing the running mileage / time gradually.
If workout equipment wasn’t that expensive I’d have a whole lot more of it, but kettlebell is a must for me. So versatile and fun.