If you're someone who's looking to lose weight and improve your body composition, you've probably tried a variety of diets and exercise routines
Which Supplements Actually Help to Build Strength & Muscle? -Ep300
This episode is based on a follower’s question: What do I think about the following supplements and do I recommend them? The supplements she asked
What Does Slow Metabolism FEEL Like and How To Treat It -Ep290
Happy New Year! Before we start today’s episode, I’d like to invite you to join my 21-day Fat Loss challenge that is taking place in my Facebook
Overcoming Body Dysmorphia + The Right Foundation for Successful Fat Loss – with John Jiron – Balanced Vibes Ep283
vToday’s podcast is with nutrition and strength coach John Jiron. John started developing body dysmorphia at a quite young age and overcame it only
How Many Calories You Should Eat Before Cutting and How To D A Better Cut- Balanced Vibes Ep282
In this episode I’m going to show you why you should eat as much as possible before starting your calorie cut. I will also tell you the minimum amount
Diet vs Educated Lifestyle — How Are They Different? – Balanced Vibes Ep280
Today we’re going to talk about the difference between diets and educated lifestyle. I first saw these terms used in opposition in Gabrielle Lyon’s
Common Beliefs About Your Bodyweight That Are Holding You Back From Getting Results – Balanced Vibes Ep267
Today we have a big topic to tackle — we’re going to talk about your bodyweight, the number you see on the scale. Somehow, that number has become
How I Maintain My Body Weight Effortlessly – Balanced Vibes Ep229
This morning, I got a question from one of my followers: What macros do you follow and how do you maintain your weight? Actually, when I’m at
Are HIT and Fasting Killing Your Gains?- Balanced Vibes Ep196
Are you doing intense workouts several times a week while fasting 16 hours and eating low carbs? If so, these very things are killing your gains.
Are Your Hormones “Out Of Whack” and What You Can Do About It – Balanced Vibes Ep183
Have you ever said that your hormones are out of whack? If you have, the reasons may have been: - You used to be able to lose weight and fast