How's it going? If you're in the US, I wish you a happy Labor Day and hope that you have a fun, relaxing long weekend with one additional day off.
As much as I love teaching bootcamp classes, I have to admit that I wasn't exactly sad when I got to sleep in this morning, instead of teaching the usual 5.30am class. My inner alarm clock seems to be working so well though that I was up at my usual Monday morning wakeup time anyway. But it was good to know that I don't have to get out that early and was able to start my day with a quick 20-minute walk-run-burpee routine.
Instead of just running, my go-to wakeup has lately been either one of my 5-minute workout quickies (join here to get your 5-minute workout every Tuesday!) or a quick 2-mile walk-run. Instead of just running the whole time, I mix in some squat jumps, burpees, bench jumps or whatever else feels good for my body on that day. This morning, I leisurely jogged a mile, then did 10 burpees, 10 box jumps and 50 jumping jacks, before heading back to home. This kind of simple wake-up really gets me ready for the day without making me extremely tired.
Speaking of sleep though, as I've mentioned earlier, I'm not the best sleeper in the world. I could use more sleep and often wake up not rested enough. In my case, the problem isn't watching TV until crazy hours or getting stressed about putting kids to bed and preparing their next time meals. I don't have a TV and I don't have kids, but I just wake up too early, before hitting my target of seven hours.
That's the puzzle I still have to put together. I have made some changes into my before the bed routine and sleeping habits that have made things better, but they're still not great. Overtraining can mess up your sleep as well, but this is definitely not the case for me now.
Saturday Morning Bootcamp XV: 20-Minute EMOM
But if you had a good sleep tonight and are ready to get sweaty, I have a 20-minute EMOM workout for you today. Especially if you're spending your day relaxing, hanging out with friends or family and eating a ton of tasty food, you may want to do this workout first to fully enjoy all the fun stuff.
This is the workout we did on Saturday at the bootcamp. The workout takes you no less and no more than exactly 20 minutes, no matter how fast or slow you are.
This is an EMOM workout. EMOM stands for every minute on the minute.
Set your timer for 20 minutes. There's a set of exercises that you're going to do on odd minutes (minutes 1, 3, 5, 7 … 19) and a set of exercises that you're going to do on even minutes (2, 4, 6, 8 … 20).
Your exercises for the odd minutes are:
5 Burpees
8 Clap Jumps
14 Kettlebell Swings
Your exercises for the even minutes are:
5 Push Up to Pop Up
8 Tuck Jumps
14 Bodyweight Squats
Here's how to do this workout:
On the first round of your workout, you'll be doing the “Odd Minute” exercises. During this minute, complete 5 Burpees, 8 Clap Jumps and 14 Kettlebell Swings. When you finish them, the remaining time is for resting.
Start the “Even Minute” exercises right when the second minute of your workout starts. During the second minute of the workout, complete 5 Push Ups to Pop Ups, 8 Tuck Jumps and 14 Bodyweight Squats. When you finish them, you still have some time left–use that for resting.
Start the next “Odd Minute” sequence as soon as the third minute of your workout starts.
In this video, you can see the first two minutes of this workout:
At first, the workout may feel very easy and you may have even as many as 30 seconds or so left after finishing your burpees, clap jumps and kettlebell swings. Go ahead and use it for proper rest, because you'll need it later!
You can walk around, chat with our workout buddy or do whatever else you please. I thought it was funny and very creative when one of my bootcampers half-jokingly said that she's meditating during that break. 🙂 Another girl was constantly jumping around practicing fencing moves for her upcoming meet. So, it's up to you!
Later on though, as you get more tired, you probably slow down a bit and the rest period also gets shorter, so your meditation seconds will get short. About half way through the workout you may feel that it's getting really hard to fit all the reps into one minute. If you find that happening, simply do one or two reps less of each exercise to be sure that you get at least a little bit of rest before starting the next round.
The Rest Of My Weekend
After teaching the class and doing my own workout–Saturdays are typically always kettlebell days for me–we headed out to the City. I'm really happy to be able to live that close to San Francisco, because there's always something going on and you end up spending a great day even if you don't have anything special planned.
We wandered around the town, had treats at Smitten where the ice cream is made right in front of your eyes using the best organic locally sourced produce and tastes pretty much like heaven, practiced pistol squats, had a few glasses of wine and stayed up late to watch a stand-up comedy at Cheaper than Therapy. It was a good show! And, we ended up covering 14 miles by walking, which I do feel a bit in my legs today, so a good stretching session is in my plans for later today.
Hope you had a great weekend too and that you were able to fit some fun, workouts, good food and lots of laughs into it. What was the best part of your weekend? Let me know in the comments!
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