Because it's cold here, a lot of my workouts lately have happened inside. A little nippy weather is okay, but if my hands are freezing or if it's raining, working out outdoors is hard. Equipment free workouts are easier, but doing kettlebell snatches or other movements with a weight overhead is not the best idea when it's slippery and wet outside.
So, I've been doing quite a bit of my workouts inside. Luckily, I don't need much space for them.
I've been loving some dumbbell workouts lately. There are so many things that you can do with a set of dumbbells than just triceps extensions or biceps curls.
Combining Movements Together
Sure enough, if your goal is to build triceps or biceps, you will need to do some isolation work. But for me, plain triceps extensions or biceps curls are just boring. I better combine these and other movements together into well-rounded, full body workouts.
I also add in some planks, rows and shoulder presses to get more out of my workout. It saves time, it's more versatile and it's more efficient in terms of building overall strength and also in terms of burning calories (even though I don't think about calories when I'm working out – not anymore!)
Keeping it Short and Sweet
Here's a dumbbell workout that I did the other day. You will combine six different exercises here: Plank, row, push up, jump, biceps curl and shoulder press.
You can do this workout as an independent workout if you are short on time, but it's also great for a quick finisher after your main workout. I did it after my handstand practice. My arms and shoulders were pretty done!
There are several ways on how to time this workout:
- AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in one minute, then rest 15 seconds and repeat. Do three one-minute sessions. You can use Gymboss interval timer for that.
- AMRAP of 10 minutes. You just keep working until 10 minutes is up. Of course, you can always adjust the time according to how much time you have or want to spend on your workout.
- Put on a song of your choice – something that pumps you up! Work hard until the song is over. That's what I did yesterday and that's why I call it Pick Your Song Dumbbell Workout.
Here it is:
It's pretty simple, but not easy. Choose the weights that are actually challenging for you – otherwise there is no point! I use 20 lbs here.
How To Do This Workout
Get into a plan position, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure your stomach is tucked in and that your hips are not up, but also not sagging. Your body should form a long line from head to toes.
Row with your right arm. Make sure that your arm mis moving close to your body and that your elbow is pointing directly back and not to the side.
Do a Push Up. Keeping hands on the dumbbells, do a low push up. Again, make sure that your elbows are not pointed out too much. Keep them close to your body.
Row with the left arm and do a Push Up.
Jump the legs in and stand up. Keep your back nice and flat. Rounding the back can easily cause an injury, especially if you use heavy weights!
Do a biceps curl. Curl the dumbbells up so that they come close to your shoulders.
Do a shoulder press. Press the weights up from your shoulders. If the weights are getting too heavy and especially towards the end of the workout when you are getting tired, you can make it easier by doing a little dip with your hips and legs.
You can do a great dumbbell workout without having to leave the house. This one here takes very minimal space and also very minimal time. If you use weights that are heavy enough, you really don't need more than 15 minutes.
No matter how much time you have – five or twenty minutes – be sure to work hard!
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