In this post last week, I showed what my daily hamstring stretching routine looks like. Of course, I am also working on stretching other muscles too, so today I'm going to share the stretches that I do every night to increase flexibility in my quadtriceps, glutes and calves.
Stretching is awesome. Even though there has been nights when I have been too tired to stretch, I've still done it, no matter what. If before my last moments before the bed were spent in front of the computer (I know, not good), then now I have replaced it with stretching.
I feel better and honestly, I have also been sleeping deeper. If possible, close your computer at least 30 minutes before the bed and stretch instead!
Ok, here's part 2 of my everyday stretches. If you missed the post where I talked about what this stretching challenge is about, you can find it here.
Standing Quad Stretch
This is the simplest way to stretch your quads. Simply stand up and grab your ankle, pulling the heel as close to your butt as you can. Keep your knees close together and body straight. Try not to lean excessively forward.
If it's hard to find balance, use a wall to support you.
Seated Quad Stretch
This stretch is pretty simple and if you are quite flexible, you may not feel it that much at all. However, for someone with tight quads, it may be very useful stretch.
Just sit down on your heels and let the quads stretch!
Lying Quad Stretches
This is one step forward from the last stretch, but actually a pretty big step. Be super careful and don't just jump into this pose – take it slow and feel how far your body can go.
Start out in a seated quad stretch position, then start leaning backwards. If you can go all the way back, that's great, but if not, simply go as far as you can.
This pose also stretches hip flexors.
Standing Glute Stretch
Stand up, then lower into almost half squat position. Lift one leg up and put the ankle on the knee of the other leg. You should feel the stretch in the glutes of the lifted leg. You can deepen the stretch by gently pushing your knee down with your elbow.
Lying Glute Stretch
Lie down on your back and bend one knee. Hold your knee with both hands. Then lift up the other leg and put the ankle on the bent knee. You should feel the stretch in both sides of your butt.
Calf Stretch
Stand by a tree. Put your toes against the tree and heel down. Press your toes strongly against the tree. This stretch is particularly good after doing lot of jumping exercises!
There you go – six simple stretches that you can do in just 15 minutes or so. It's not too much for healthier muscles!
I have been working on my flexibility for about two weeks now and I honestly can feel a little bit of difference already. During these two weeks, I've been traveling, including having a long flight. My days and nights are pretty messed up thanks to traveling between the continents, but I do my best to keep up the stretching routine.
How is your stretching going?
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