One of the supplements that I've been using for a while, is collagen peptides. I've been adding it to my hot drink in the morning or mixed it with some yogurt. Here's why I like it…
We can eat a really good diet, but still lack some nutrients. I am taking quite a few supplements, but what I've probably taken the longest is collagen peptides.
Collagen can really help with preventing brittle hair and improving bone health. In this post, I will share what collagen is, why it's important and the brand of collagen that I'm currently using. This post is not sponsored.
Collagen and Protein
Getting enough protein with our diet is incredibly important. Even though many people think that they eat enough, they actually don't.
Many people want to lose body fat and lose weight. Starting to eat enough protein is the #1 thing that we have to pay attention to, because protein keeps us fuller longer and it also helps with muscle building — which in turn increases our metabolism and helps us burn more body fat.
Your goal should be to eat 0.6-1 grams of protein per one pound of your bodyweight. Check out more recommendations, and how eating this way can help you get lean, here.
I've also done a few podcast episodes on this topic, which you can check out here and here.
One thing you should know about collagen though is that it's not full protein source. That means that it doesn't contain all 9 essential amino acids. So, if your goal is to eat 130 grams of protein a day and you take a collagen supplement that gives you 20 grams of protein, you should count only half of it, and still get 10 more grams from complete protein sources.
What Is Collagen?
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It's a fibrous protein that is found mainly in connective tissues. It's a building block of our skin, nails, hair, bones and joints, so if you want to have them strong and healthy, you need to have enough collagen in your diet.
Our ancestors who used to get more of collagen as they ate animal's skin, bones, tendons and ligaments, that are all rich in collagen. But with all the processed and packaged foods many of us are eating now, we don't get nearly as much of it nowadays as we used to. Not surprisingly…
Why We Need Collagen
Here are the main reasons why collagen is important for your health:
To maintain bone health. Around the time when we hit our thirties, our bodies start to lose bone substance faster than create it, so naturally the amount of collagen in our bodies decreases too. The older we get, the weaker our bones potentially get, which is why bone fractures and injuries take significantly longer to recover. Collagen helps to keep the bones strong.
Collagen is not a complete protein though. If you want to learn how to get enough protein for your body's needs, please get my Fit Physique Formula Protein guide.
To keep joints healthy. Collagen is present in cartilage that is found in our nose, ears, throat and joints and prevents bones from rubbing against each other.
While also joint problems are more common among older people, I know plenty of people around 30 years old with various joint issues. One of them is my husband… supplementing with collagen has made a difference: His knee pain has significantly lessened.
To maintain healthy skin. Collagen is responsible for our skin's integrity–strength, elasticity and overall vitality. Collagen is found in many skincare products, and it's known to help to fight against dryness and wrinkles.
To build stronger, healthier hair. Just like skin, collagen also helps to strengthen your hair.
To keep you more satiated. Out of three macronutrients (carbs, protein and fat), protein has been shown to be most satiating. It fills you up, so you don't have to eat again two hours after finishing your breakfast. I'm all about it, because that way I can focus on other things and don't have to think about food too often.
To heal and support stomach lining. Collagen is so important for gut health, which all starts with the health of stomach lining. Stomach lining basically looks like a wrinkly bag covering the walls of our stomachs. It secretes substances that help our bodies to digest food, but it also protects the rest of the body from the highly acidic environment of the stomach.
So if there's something wrong with stomach lining and doesn't function properly, it can cause a lot of digestive issues, like irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut.
Collagen can help to heal and support stomach lining.
To promote healthy digestion. Collagen makes digestion faster by improving hydrochloric acid production in our stomach. This acid is needed to break down foods, and as a result, your digestion improves. Because collagen absorbs water very efficiently, it may also help to draw water into the intestinal tract and that way help the food move faster.
To sleep better. According to some sources, taking collagen can help you sleep better.
How I'm Using Collagen Peptides
Collagen peptides are short chain amino acids that are derived from collagen protein. The brand that I'm using makes their collagen peptides from pasture-raised, grass-fed collagen protein.
You can add collagen peptides to pretty much any food or drink, hot or cold. I've been having my daily collagen with my morning coffee. Most people who have tried it say that it doesn't, but I can in fact tell that there's something added to the coffee. It has very, very mild flavor that I like. I really look forward to my morning coffee every day.
Occasionally I've put collagen also into my smoothie, but the flavors of veggies and fruits are so much stronger that I can't taste any of it in a shake.
You can play with it and seriously put it in pretty much every food: oatmeal, soups, sauces and even desserts.
How Much Collagen Should I Take?
One serving of the collagen peptides I use has 70 calories, 18 grams of protein and 20 grams of collagen in it. I usually add one scoop, which is 1/2 servings, to my hot drink in the morning. You can take 1-2 servings daily.
For me, 1/2 servings, so one scoop a day, has worked well. I've seen some health benefits, which I talk more about next.
Taking Collagen Peptides: Before and After
It's interesting that when you look at the most articles about collagen and its health benefits, improving digestion isn't really mentioned as the first thing. Improving bone and joint health seems to be number one reason for using it, followed by all the anti-ageing benefits that collagen has.
However, for me the most noticeable change from the very beginning was much better digestion. I've always had some issues with constipation, but I'm feeling a lot better now as I've added a scoop of collagen peptides into my coffee every day. (Edited: I no longer drink coffee, but it works equally well in tea!)
My husband's knees used to always get really sore after some time of sitting. He had a knee injury from playing soccer years ago, and the knee is acting up every now when he's sedentary for some time. About a month after he started using collagen, his knees started to feel much better. The pain isn't completely gone, but there's much less of it.
Many women report that their hair growth and thickness has improved after they started taking collagen, so if you're struggling with that, giving collagen peptides a try might help as well.
I haven't tried taking collagen peptides in the evening, but according to some people it can help you to sleep better.
Can Collagen Cause Bloating?
Some forms of collagen can cause bloating, however collagen peptides are unlikely to do so.
You may have heard about collagen, collagen peptides and also gelatine. While they all collagen products, they are different things and also work differently in our bodies.
Collagen peptides are the most digestion-friendly form.
The difference is caused by different structure. Collagen itself has a long, twisted structure which makes it harder to break it down and absorb.
Collagen peptides and gelatine are hyrdolyzed forms of collagen. Hydrolyze is what makes the collagen chains shorter and better digestible.
Gelatine is a partly hydrolyzed form of collagen, which means that it contains some water which may cause bloating and other digestive discomfort. It's not fully broken down into peptides. In addition, it only dissolves in hot liquids.
Collagen peptides are the easiest type of collagen to digest. Therefore, they're the least likely to cause any bloating or other digestive discomfort. I've never had any problems digesting it. Like I said before, it has made my digestion better.
I've been really happy with the results that we've seen from taking collagen peptides. I'm planning to keep using it and try it also at night to see if it helps with sleep.
Do you take supplements? Have you tried collagen?
I always hear that peptides are good for the skin but never that it’s good for the joints. It sounds like it could be beneficial for my friend to take. She’s always complaining about her joints. Maybe it would help if she tried to add it to her morning coffee like you.
Hey! Yes, I think it’s definitely worth to give it a try. Gelatin and bone broth should be helpful as well!
I am currently taking vital protein collagen peptides too! But i wonder will i get fat if i don’t workout/exercise after taking this collagen?
Chuck, definitely not! Collagen is useful also for those who aren’t physically active. It won’t make you gain fat!
I am taking the the vital proteins product but recently after increasing dosage slightly to a heaped scoop two times a day… My stomach became bloated together with a tummy ache! It may have started effecting my sleep too!
Otherwise I love the effects of taking it. But I’m not taking any at the moment as my stomach is still settling down.
Anyone else had negative symptoms? Do you link this product could effect hormones?
Mahalo and aloha!… Sally
Aloha Sally! Yes, that was probably too much for you. I have never taken more than one scoop a day mixed in my coffee. On the label they say 1-2 scoops once or twice a day, but you’ll need to figure out how much is right for you.
Have you noticed any change in your hair and skin appearance? I would be particularly interested in knowing if your cellulite has improved and your hair has gotten stronger or fuller?
I didn’t really have skin problems. Hair, yes – a little thicker and shinier and it seems like they’re growing faster as well.
I noticed after I place a scoop in my coffee about an hour later I feel nauseated 🤢 and stomach aches . That normal ?
Could it be something else or are you sure it’s the collagen?
I have also been feeling naseous, weak, and bloated. I have never taken it before in my life just recently I have been putting one scoop into my smoothie for 2 days now, but I think I will try quarter or half a scoop and see if it improves.. 🙂
I just started taking GNC Enhanced Collagen type II each morning, a couple days ago. I feel sore all over. Is it supposed to get worse before it gets better?
Interesting! I’m not sure, I haven’t tried that brand. I’ve only tried Vital Proteins and have never had that problem. Getting sore doesn’t sound right though :/
I started using collagen peptides about 3 weeks ago. My hair and skin seem healthier but I have a stomach ache in the evening. I add a scoop in my morning coffee. I eat a clean diet and have never had stomach aches. I will cut it in half or skip a day to see if it makes a difference.
Yes, maybe try to reduce the amount. It’s interesting though that you get the pain in the evening even though you take the peptides in the morning?
I am having terrible bloating and it is the vital proteins C&P – I will go to half a package to see if it helps because I like how I feel otherwise with it, but if it continues I will need to stop this is horrible – bloating, nausea, stomach pain.
First day today to try Collagen Peptides-plain, I’ve been studying about Bone Broth-but I’m all for getting the benefit(s) in a shorter easy method!
1 did ONE scoop in the am, with a cold glass of chocolate skim milk – or I throw it in my ‘ Choc. Carnation Light Instant breakfast drink, that has some vitamins/etc. in it. This afternoon I noticed a bit of nausea and tad bloat-or burp. Will experiment.I Bought it for Skin issue, insufficiency bone Fracture, and a bum knee-‘all’ from a fall.
Q: (I wonder if you have NO gallbladder) -if this product might be harder to digest–but *I’m sticking with it..and giving it a shot. LIke to find it on sale. :0 Margee
Yes, it is plain which I think a lot of people appreciate as it’s easy to mix with any foods and drinks without changing the flavor. Bone broth is definitely good option too and has a lot of minerals in it. To answer to your question, I don’t think it would be a problem because it’s not fatty or spicy or anything like that… But I would definitely talk to a doctor or ask from Vital Proteins.
I feel as if I’m putting on the Lb since I’ve started using this! Nothing else has changed. Has anyone else noticed this?
Have you changed anything in your diet? Also where you are in your cycle can make you feel puffier as well… I personally haven’t noticed it but different bodies may react differently…
I have been taking Vital proteins for about a month. 1 scoop daily. I haven’t had a period in 2 years, I’m turning 50 this year. I started my period today. Can taking this supplement bring on menstration?
Hi Linda, I don’t think it was the supplement that brought on menstruation. There must have been other changes in your body that caused it.
I have been taking one scoop of Type 1 & 3 Grass Fed Collagen for about a month and a half. I am having stomach bloating and discomfort and a little nausea. I wonder if it is caused by the way I take it or what I eat afterward. I drink water when i first get out of bed, then later take my Collagen in water. I proceed to fix my breakfast which is old fashioned oats. I add a TBSP of Greek yogurt and a Tbsp of raw almond butter (I have thought about cutting out one of these or both), I also add fruit and amonds, a few yummy spices, chi seed, flax seed, vanilla, raisins and a little honey on top. I try to drink lots if water but sometimes fail at that, I have wondered if I need to drink more water. Any thoughts?
I just thought of another possibility. What if I drink the Collagen mix after I eat rather than on an empty stomach? Is there something magical about taking it on an empty stomach? I have a sensitive stomach, so maybe my body has an issue with Collagen before food.
You can definitely try that and see how it goes!!
For all of those having bloating and pain, start out small! A teaspoon a day or even less if it still hurts. Slowly build up and drink lots of water! Once your stomach acclimates, you will have much less bloating and pain.
Thanks Ana!
Ughhh … i hate to think that the collagen peptides are giving me the nausea and bloating that I’ve been having lately because they have worked great on my skin !!!!
I’ve been on it for about 3 or 4 weeks – I only do it during the week, one medium scoop in warm water … ughhhh
Are you sure it’s the collagen, nothing has changed in your diet? If you’re sure, maybe try a 3/4 scoop instead?
So glad I looked this issue up! I, too, have had bloating and stomach pains since taking the collagen peptides. I put 1-2 scoops in my coffee each morning. I love the benefits but I began having stomach issues as soon as I began taking this. I will cut back on the scoops and build up as I can tolerate.
I’m glad I found this thread with so many comments mentioning nausea/bloating/belching…I tried collagen peptides for the first time today (1/4 serving) and man, i’ve felt awful all morning, nauseous and burpy and bloaty…I’ll keep at it to see if that abates, but not sure if the results are worth the side effects!
I had the same experience as Lisa Biernot with collagen supplements reactivating my period. Am 54 and period had stopped last year. Started taking marine-based collagen powder this week and my period restarted 2 days later. Not necessarily a bad thing as I feel it makes my body younger :). It is now day 3 and I have also noticed a decrease in aches in fingers, back and knees when I get up from lying down or sitting for a while.
This is great Monica! I’m glad it has helped you!
I recently began taking vital proteins collagen peptides and noticed SERIOUS bloating and gas (embarrassing). I used a heaping scoop in my fruit smoothie, it took a few hours before it really started to bother me and I couldn’t tell at first if I was going to throw-up or needed to run to the bathroom. A day later I am still bloated, super annoying. I also bought another brand of the collagen peptides; Living Traditionally and have not had any side affects with that brand. I will continue using the same amount of that brand but will cut the vital proteins brand in half and see if that helps. Wish me luck!!
Hi Kim! Ugh that’s not fun! I hope the other brand works better for you!
I’m so thankful I found this thread. I thought it was just me. I used the same experience that Kim noted. I put a scoop in my morning smoothie and a few hours later… well… I’m SO thankful I had no co-workers in the office today because I would have been mortified by the uncontrollable gas and runs to the bathroom I’ve had. I wasn’t nauseated like some but the gas and trips to the bathroom have been incredible. I have no doubt it’s related since nothing else has changed.
I’ll cut it down to 1/4 scoop and maybe try taking this in the evening to let my digestion settle before work. I think for anyone wanting to try these products I’d recommend starting out slowly since it can initially cause gastric distress while your body is acclimating. I also feel that it’s having a “cleansing” like effect on my system, which isn’t all bad. It’s just very very inconvenient!!
I too have been experiencing gas, going to the bathroom frequently, stomach upset. I am taking a Thrive market grass ged brand but I did listen to a talk on Ultimate Health Podcast that mentions that many supplements have flow agents added to them so that the manufacturing process doesn’t muck up the machinery. I’m wondering if it’s the flow agents that I’m sensitive to? I will try taking less and building bak up and see if that helps.
I have a history of digestive problems so maybe it just takes more time to transition to the full dosage of one scoop per day?
Hello, I too am glad I found this thread. I just started with the Dr. Axe (Types 1, 11, 111, V and X), this morning is day 3 and I’ll be 55 in Dec. I too have had some bloating, cramping and added restroom trips. I have heard it has a cleansing effect, so I’m hoping this all calms down. I am already starting to feel the joints in my fingers loosen, as I was feeling some arthritic symptoms. My skin is already changing around my eyes. Now, to get the hair to thicken as hairline is receding quickly, would be wonderful. If the bloating and cramping continue, I too may cut down to a half a scoop and go back up. I have a feeling I need to eat something too. I have the power in my coffee but tend not to eat for an hour or two and usually that is a spinach, yogurt smoothie (with extras). Thank you all….
I have been taking the collagen powder for 6 months and I still feel bloated but I have had no heartburn or any other stomach issues.My hair grows fast but still falls out a lot. My peroids are on again and off again.I feel better but my skin has not changed I have eczema and psoriasis was hoping it would clear up a little.
I think it’s a good idea to reduce the amount you’re taking right now and see if that helps!
I started taking a marine collagen powder and within an hour or so I’m so bloated and have uncontrollable gas. I’ve also had way more bowel movements than normal. I’ve also experienced some stomach pain/cramping along with pain in the area where I had an endometrioma removed several years ago. That pain usually only acts up when my diet has changed causing swelling in that area or my hormones are wacky. I thought a plant based product would be better due to my food intolerances caused by endometriosis but the product I’m using is definitely the culprit. I think it has done wonders for my skin in just the week I’ve been taking it so I would love to find a product that doesn’t cause GI distress or maybe I should try starting with a smaller portion and working my way up to the full serving. Glad to know that I’m not the only person experiencing issues.
I am another experiencing the same symptoms as all these comments. I stopped taking it. Went on holidays and still have excessive bloating. Worse then ever before. I experienced nausea and thought but was due to food poisoning. I also got my period . I left it alone for a good three weeks and the swelling in my belly does not ho away. I gave not been too active on this holiday a d though that was the culprit until reading these comments. I am waiting to resume my workout regiment and see if it persists without taking the collagen supplement. However skin looks great, good energy and strength hair strong but my belly will not go down …only the mornings before eating anything. So now I am very curious and interested to find out from a expert what is causing this issue for many. Would love to hear mor opinions..thanks B
I too have been having very bad stomach issues in the evening after taking the collagen with my morning coffee. Plus heartburn . Never had stomach issues until I started the collagen. Will definitely reduce the dosage.
I too have started a collagen product and have had horrible bloating and stomach aches. I also have gained some weight. Diet has been the same and exercise has increased a little. Hasn’t helped with hair or skin and actually thinking it is making my skin break out. Was hoping for clearer skin and healthier hair. I use one scoop in the morning. Been using it for a little over a month. Thinking I may stop.
I have been taking Land of Lakes Collagen for some time but in Aug I went to visit my son and daughter in law and didn’t take it with me, so for 3 weeks I was without. I’ve only had a bit of bloating but had horrible gas(smelly!!) and it was gone within a few days of being at my son’s. So I experimented since then and think that maybe I was taking too much. 2tbls daily in my coffee. I haven’t take it in over 2 weeks and of course bloating and gas is gone. So I am thinking I need to start either another product or just do a smaller amount. I did by Dr Axe brand multicollagen today. Any thoughts or advice?
Hi Becky,
Yes, I’ve heard that this happens quite frequently. Try to reduce the amount by having just one tablespoon a day, and maybe in two parts – 1/2 tbsp in your morning coffee and 1/2 tbs later, maybe in your evening tea or other beverage. See if that helps!
Whilst searching whether collagen powder can cause stomach pain I found this thread.
I have been using initially collagen tablets and for the last three months I have been taking collagen powder in my morning coffee and night time chamomile tea. I have been sleeping so much better and my hair and skin have benefitted but I have had stomach problems for three months. It’s been so bad that I had an endoscopy this week which showed that my stomach lining was inflamed. I have had persistent pain under my ribs that had got quite worrying.
I’m sorry to hear that! I hope your health care provider can figure out if this inflammation is really caused by collagen. If it is, this product is probably not for you.
Wow, I thought it was just me. I do have a fussy stomach so started with 1/3 scoop on Day One. Within a half hour was doubled over with pain. Stopped taking it and finally feeling normal 4 days later. Scared to try again so just drinking bone broth for now.
Yes, looks like it doesn’t work for everyone. I’m sorry you had this experience!
I tried collagen peptides and it immediately gave me a major stomach ache and bloating. Not fun and disappointing. I’d be interested in hearing about research on the product. It’s made from dead animals – cattle – and this fact should be made clear by people who are pushing it. How many environmental toxins have the animals been exposed to, and how were they raised and how were they slaughtered? We get the karma of the animals that we are eating, whether it’s ground beef or collagen. You may want to show your respect and thank the animal that died so you can eat it or benefit from it’s collagen.
You can definitely ask all these questions from the company!
I have a very clean and strict diet that I follow for my autoimmune issues. I did notice that after trying the collagen I got my period a week early (that has never happened in my life) so I stopped taking it for about six months. This month I felt like giving it a try again (I take less than half the amount it suggested and only one time per day) and sure enough an early period again. I’d love to know how this works! No stomach upset for me thankfully, but I can’t deal with the cycle disruption.
Interesting to read all the comments on gas and bloating. Good to know I’m not the only one! I have tried several brands of collagen powders – Dr. Axe , Vital Proteins, and Bullet Proof, ALL of them give me gas! I used 2 scoops a day in my morning coffee and by 4pm I was gassy.Took me a while to figure it out and now reading all these comments have confirmed it for me . I still think it’s a good idea to supplement with the collagen but I’m going to try using less. Thank you to all who shared!
Thank you
I have been taking hydrolyzed collagen peptides since mid November. I was interested in getting some joint relief in my knees. I too experienced a little nausea in the mornings when I added it to my coffee. I have noticed a big difference in my hair and nails, and my knee has improved a lot! However, despite working out on a daily basis, and eating clean, my breasts and my butt have increased in size! This is the only supplement I take. I’m so frustrated. Is it possible it’s from the collagen?
I just started taking Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, I have been eating clean and exercising.
and lost weight, I went to the Dr. a few days ago and I’ve gained back 4 lbs. of the weight I lost.
I haven’t done anything different except added the Collagen, I really believe the Collagen plays some part in weight gain.
My concern about taking collagen supplements has to do with other side effects. Online research shows some studies indicating that it could raise blood pressure and possibly causes kidney stones? I can’t find anyone who has had these side effects — but they are serious enough that I plan to talk with my doctor before I start taking the collagen powder I just bought.
can collagen interrupt my menstrual cycle
Interesting comments. I’ve been taking collagen for about a month now (Naka platinum pro collagen extra strength bioactive hydrolyzed marine collagen peptides- type 1 and 3). I Idefinitely have bloating and will cut down to half a scoop after reading this. Thank you.
My Naturopath suggested I might find better results for arthritic issues using type 2 . I’m 77 years old and have chronic pain low energy related to fibromyalgia, Raynaud s syndrome and spinal deterioration issues etc. And I’m taking various meds so it’s often difficult to analyze exactly how taking new is affecting me. I’m really hoping collagen will help with something. Worth a try!
Have started unicity niegene and got pimples which was never before…is this because of the product
Some of these collagen peptide powders contain INULIN which apparently can cause digestive upset and GAS in certain individuals!!! I can’t tolerate inulin. (also guar gum, carrageenan, xanthan gum etc. ) Maybe stick to bone broth if you can’t tolerate the side effects?
It’s hard to tell! The best thing to do is to not take it for a while and see if the symptoms improve!
Yes, bone broth is definitely a great option!
I too tried Vital Proteins collagen peptides – the first time to try collagen. I had the same bloating issues taking 1 scoop/day. I too gained weight. I have some ribs that tend to pop out occasionally, and this time it happened on the left side, and the chiropractor mentioned that my spleen may be inflamed and had I been sick? I said no. Reading other comments here, I wonder if it was the collagen? I think I am going to try the precursors that support collagen: vitamin A, silica, and maybe others, instead. I don’t imagine I will get the quick benefits to my skin, etc., but it was clearly irritating me and I don’t want to take the chance that it was just the flow agent used.
I just started taking collagen about four days ago five days ago and I am miserable bloating running in and out of the bathroom I think I’m going back to just straight bone broth !
I have started taking one scoop of NativePath grass fed Collagen Peptides in my morning coffee. I too am experiencing bloating, nausea & much gas. I tried lowering the dose (1/2 scoop in my morning coffee) this morning and will build up to the full dose. I am hoping this will help.
Update: The 1/2 scoop in my coffee is agreeing with me. I will continue this for 1-2 weeks then increase to a full scoop.
I have been taking Vital Proteins blue cap for two months now and have noticed a 5 lb weight gain, I haven’t changed my diet, and I exercise 5 days a week 1 hr each time. It has stopped my hair from falling out and less joint paint . But if it’s helping me to gain weight I have to stop it. I emailed the company, the label says maintain weight. Anyone else using this product have weight gain.
Today is the first time I tried the vital protein peptide collagen and I don’t enjoy the feeling. I’ve been experiencing heart palpitations my entire body is in pain – mostly my back and I feel lame and slightly bloated. I took 2 of the capsules after a meal as prescribed. I’m not sure how I feel about this… If I don’t get noticeable benefits I might stop using it.
Hi Kim, I’ve never taken collagen capsules, the powder works well for me. I just came across this article about collagen in general and how to take collagen capsules at the bottom (e.g. do NOT take them on a full stomach). It was interesting and may be of some use to you. Good luck.
Bloating and very bad smelling gas. Started with one scoop of Dr Axe Multi Collagen – bad tummy pains first few days. Then the bloating and foul gas kicked in. I reduced to 1/2 scoop a few days ago but these side effects are still happening. I’ve even started mixing it in about 8 oz of water and drinking sips of that over 2-3 hours. I’m going to try reducing to 1/4 scoop or so and see if that helps. Glad I found this thread because, like others, thought it was only me experiencing these side effects.
I also feel bloat with hydrolized collagen peptides. Everything else is fine. My skin and complexion and joints are amazing. I take one scoop in the morning. Should I take less or try a different kind?
Hi Kersten, I’m wondering if the powder is still working well for you.
I found this blog post after searching, “collagen peptides stomach issues”. Twice now I’ve attempted to take 1 T of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides powder and both times I immediately experienced stomach issues.
Then I read the comments on your post and see I am very much not alone. There seems to be a major issue with these products that no one is talking about. I can’t find anywhere else online where they discuss this at all. Thank you for this post. Please do not delete it. Our bodies are trying to tell us something and I think we need to listen. I’m going to throw my powder away.
I too have had stomach problems since taking collagen. I’m no longer taking collagen in my coffee and am stopping completely. After reading these comments i am definitely not taking it again.
I started with a Marine Collagen (11 grams per scoop) and then after a few days developed a rash on my neck. Thinking it was the Marine collagen, I went to Vital Proteins. Started with 1 scoop, and after a few days developed a rash again. I don’t usually suffer from allergic reactions, so I knew this was weird. I then started scientific research (1/3rd a serving @ 2500 mg) every other day. No rash, but now my face is breaking out and I feel bloated. I’m finally over it. Started collagen to help with hair loss/breakage, and so far it’s been an expensive lesson, because it has done nothing for me.
Another person glad to stumble on this thread. Have been taking Vital Protein Collagen for approx 1-2 scoops for 4-6wks and finally figured out that is what has been bothering me. I have felt miserably bloated, headachy and generally run down but attributed it to everything else in life… holidays, certain foods, diverticulitis, etc. (although I rarely eat meat, dairy, sugar or gluten). I was to the point of crying to my hubs in desperation that something is terribly wrong with me and was ready to schedule a dr appt and colonoscopy when it finally clicked in me that it could be the collagen powder I was adding to my smoothie. I have eliminated it completely and feeling so much better!
For those of you who question hormonal issues – for me my period was 10days late which NEVER happens, and my breasts have felt swollen/tender pretty much the whole time taking this.
So glad the “lightbulb” finally switched and I figured this out!
Hi Joanna! Thank you for your comment. It seems to be common to have stomach issues with collagen powder. I don’t currently take it regularly but when I do, it works well for me. I guess everyone is different. There is no need to take collagen if it doesn’t work for you. There are many other ways to keep your gut healthy! 🙂
So glad I found this blog and comments because it confirmed what I was suspecting. I only use one scoop of Dr Axe collagen in the mornings and I too feel horrible rest of the day. Gas, bloating, heartburn. I won’t be using it anymore! I was thinking my IBS was flaring up
but meds were not helping and nothing else has changed but using this product. Been less than 60 days, I will be calling first of week to see if I can return the other container.
Thank you so much for this thread! I have now tried Marine Collagen on two separate occasions (each time taking for about a week), and the stomach issues are brutal. All I could find online were the benefits to gut health and so I was completely perplexed! As an IBS sufferer, I watch my diet really closely, so this is the only thing new to my routine. I am now convinced it is the problem – yesterday I had so much stomach distress it was horrible. I am a vegetarian, 55 years old, and have brittle nails, so this was my hope. Something tells me I am out of luck.
Thank you again for keeping this thread up, it literally is the only thing I found out there!
Ok, well this explains a lot. I’ve had stomach issues ever since having surgery, with some foods bothering me that didn’t used to, so I didn’t realize until today that the collagen powder could be the cause of debilitating gas in the evening and sometimes overnight. I, too, didn’t eat meat, although I’ve always eaten fish and meat-based soups. The surgeon who repaired a bad ankle break told me that my bones were “soft,” so I figured that I’d try the collagen even before getting a DEXA scan. I guess I’ll cut back and see if it helps. Thanks, everyone!
Now it all makes sense. Was so excited to improve my skin, hair and nails and once starting Vital Proteins, I got the worst bloating, gas and heartburn ever. I even had stomach acid taste in my mouth. I quit taking it entirely and all symptoms went away. Won’t be trying agin.
Wow —- me too, you guys! I want to experience the often written about benefits of collagen, but OH MY. The gas that occurs when I have any collagen powder at all is the worst! Like something died! I think it could peel the paint of the wall. Its SO bad! …and uncomfortable, and lingers. I have found several other foods that do this to me also, although not as badly – pomegranate powder, large amounts of fiber, and more – all related to having effects on gut flora. Has anyone found a doctor or reliable write-up on what to do about this or what the cause maybe? I assume its a less-than idea, unwell microflora state. Like so many other commenters, it seems logical to lower the intake amounts and slowly work your way back up to large amounts, but I haven’t been too successful with that either.
Has anyone found a solution?
Bloating and miserable
Love what it does for hair and skin tho!
I’m so sad about how I feel tho
I’m so glad I found this thread. I have used collagen for over a year, never had issues until the last six weeks or so. I was sure it was lactose ( I do eat a lot of yogurt), but now I’m wondering if it’s because I switched brands of collagen! This is great news because I really do like the benefits of collagen. I was using Great Lakes Gelatin and switched to Vital Proteins (Because I can buy it locally vs. online).
Hello All so glad I found you all! I have gained so much weight in the past year taking collagen peptides of all brands expensive to cheapest. The hair seems to grow but it’s not long lasting. I suggest hemp protein powder which actually removed wrinkles better than collagen and helps with hair. Also a teaspoon of good olive oil helps hair. The reviews of collagen seems to be decieving.
I have suffered with gastritis for years, but I tried the collagen and I have gastritis so bad that I felt like I needed medical help. There must be a better way to process this stuff or add something to it to prevent the problem. I have gas covering from under my ribs all the down to my stomach area and sometimes in my chest. Don’t tell me that the discomfort people are having isn’t caused by this product. I only take 1/3 of the scoop and I still get sick.
Thought I had food poisoning last night until I found this thread! I will lower dose and see if that helps at all – otherwise, stick to bone broth.
I decided to try Collagen as a supplement besides all the prescription drugs I take. I suffer from a rare autoimmune disease called polymyositis, overactive Thyroid, congested heart failure,
water retention, tinnitus (ringing of the ears). Prescription drugs (most of them) cause constipation, upset stomach, body aches and weigh gain. Now, I take collagen (grass feed) 1 scoop in the morning with black tea and breakfast.
One month later my constipation gone. Upset stomachs gone. I have not gained or loss weigh but I’m not really trying either. What I have noticed is 2 scoops a day of collagen gives me upset stomach, bloating so that means only take 1 scoop. I noticed after taking collagen, about 1 hour later I have the feeling of being full. Which is great it keeps you from over eating. Well, even though I feel full I eat anyway. What happened? you guessed it, upset stomach.
So, for me and if I want to lose weigh we’ll start trying. When choosing to take collagen, only 1 scoop with tea and a light meal.
Do not eat anything if you feel full.
Eat when your stomach says “I starving” NOT l’m bored or sad so I’m going to eat.
If your going to take collagen there are benefits. For me again as I mentioned I’m going to the bathroom everyday, no upset, gas stomach aches. Another thing I noticed and I can’t explain why but I have a overactive thyroid and my throat feels better when taking this.
Anyway, I’m now going to start taking this weigh loss serious and see if Collagen helps. Since I feel full, start eating else or small amounts. I’ll see.
I’m going to be on prescription drugs the rest of my life and if collagen gives me some daily relief
I’m doing for it. If you have bad side effects stop taking it. When you have bad side effects on drugs do you keep taking them.
Hi all,
It was so helpful to find this thread!!!
I have been taking the Vital Proteins for two months now. My hair, knee pain and nails improved alot. However, I have gained 4lb and I experience bloating. I ran out for two days and didn’t have bloating and 1lb was gone. Not sure how, my weight has been at 110 for the past 10 years. Not sure how that changed within two months. I will try to take a scoop and sew but otherwise I will stop taking it.
When taking collagen, what is the reason you are taking it. Bodybuilder’s take it to build muscle. Collagen is great for muscle building so you gain weight, muscle. But are you taking collagen for your hair, skin and achy joint relief. Here is a dosage article I found on the Internet.
”Dosage and Preparation”
*Dosage recommendations vary. Studies investigating the benefits of collagen supplements have evaluated doses ranging from 2.5 grams per day to ten grams per day. However, some supplement makers and other proponents of collagen-based products recommend up to 30 grams per day.*
So, the lowest amount recommended is 2.5 grams and the most is 30 grams per the above statement
15 grams is 1 tablespoon
30 grams is 2 tablespoons
The plastic jar of collagen I bought has a scooper in the jar.
I took 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of collagen and put the collagen power in the scooper, The scooper was 1/2 full. A full scooper was 2 tablespoons (30 grams).
My jar of collagen says take 2 scoops a day, that would be 60 grams.
I’m not a body builder. I’m taking collagen for my hair, skin, joints and
digestive upset stomach relief.
Again the article I found on the Internet says 2.5 grams to 10 recommended but the most 30 grams.
I’m not a doctor and if you want to take collagen talk to your doctor first.
But the reasons I’m taking collagen, I’m going to take 1/2 tablespoon or maybe 1 tablespoon. If I don’t gain weight but lose weight. Feel great not full sick to my stomach I’ll write a commit again.
Those people who gained weight
and didn’t like that, you might want to lower your dosage. Go online an google collagen dosages. You will see you might be taking to much collagen.
10mg ONLY
The past 13 days I have only taken
10mg of Collagen. (10mg is 1/2 tablespoon & 1/2 teaspoon)
•sick to my stomach
•feel full
•feel bloated
•gained weight
Does taking 10mg still help the body? Of course it does.
“One size doesn’t fit all” theory contains to collagen. You have to play around with the dosage amounts to find your fit.
Hello Everyone, I am 52, 6 months ago my face took a serious fall so I read about Collagen peptides and started that, wow even my breasts were bigger and no more wrinkles but the stomach aches started oh no I had to stop, it was horrible!!!! So now I take two tbs of Organika bone broth + 1 tsp of type 1/2/3 collagen Organika (both powder) twice a day, what a difference life is good no more constipation and I have my face back and more.
Hello again.. a couple of days after my comment the upset stomach came back even after reducing quantities but I think we have got a solution…. Check the Dao enzymes supplements what they say about it and hystamine intolerence in the link below. Let’s hope it helps
So happy I found this. I have been in so much pain for two weeks and I realized that it started when I started taking Vital Proteins. I didn’t even think to question it because my sister and mother take it without any issues but I have been in so much pain. Like laying on the bathroom floor pain and lots of heartburn. I’ve never experienced heartburn before in my life but after reading this thread I think I have found the culprit.
So happy to have found this. I also thought that I was the only one having issues. With all the youtube videos and blogs I read about collagen powders, not once did I read about insane stomach issues. So, I purchased one. I tried it for the 1st time last night. I woke up with bloated stomach. It’s nighttime now and I’m still bloated, my tummy is very noisy, and I feel miserable. I checked the ingredients and I suspected milk but there wasn’t any milk in it. Besides, my sensitivity to milk isn’t as bad as this. So disappointed, I was hoping that this would be a good supplement for me. Will probably try again with half or 1/3 dosage once my tummy feels better. I hope it will be soon…
Thanks to this thread….I had similar symptoms and decided to check for reviews…in summary I think collagen has digestive issues and causes bloating and weight gain…cos I experienced this after trying Neocell beauty infusion collagen and perfecting platinum…..great skin though but stomach ache and bloated face Nd tummy…we need a solution pls…I love the skin results
Thank goodness I am not alone! Please Fellow VP collage people (Sufferers) continue to post or share your experience and alternative supplements for skin joints hair that does not result in bloating and weight gain. So much gratitude for you all posting your experiences. Naturopathic prescribes VP collagen daily and not fitting into clothing and further stomach bloating, fatigue and Abdominal discomfort had lead me to want to seek out gastroenterologist. Crazy. Thank you!
Yes I love the stuff, my back ache after having my daughter has totally gone and generally I look better skin glowing and feel stronger. But the stomach ache and gas is painful, also periods are heavier and I have put on a bit of weight but I look more healthier. I’m now skipping a day to see if that helps.
Started drinking the collagen water from Vital Proteins and have been experiencing the stomach upset, the gas and major bloating. Now I’m soooo curious as to why it’s causing so much irritation for people who seem to have a history of autoimmune disease? So fascinating. I’m going to stop drinking the collagen water and try bone broth.
I tried one shot of collegen OMG NEVER again I was sick ALL night in agony in my bowels and stomach FELT really sick all night got a massive headache OMG NEVER again NEVER WILL I put that into my body ide rather be ugly than eat that poison substance from HELL
I recently received CP from Vital Proteins. I only took the CP for 2 nights. The first night I felt neasea, bloating, and constipation, not to mention vomiting, but felt better afterwards. The next night, woke up vomiting, red rash on my chest, constipation, neausea, trouble sleeping, I can go on. Its not effecting my husband though. I’m all set and would rather go through the hell of making bone broth than this.
I get bloated and painful gas from CP. I have tried several brands. I can do bone broth powder. Though I have had some bloating with that too but nothing painful like with the CP. I am only 46 and I don’t have any tight skin on my body. This statted happening at age 42 for no reason but genetics. I was hoping the collagen peptides with weight training would help. But it hurts my stomach so bad. No, it’s nothing else that I could be eating. I eat clean, I fast regularly, I drink a lot of water. Hardly any caffeine or alcohol. I monitor closely how what I eat effects my body. I test several times before coming to a conclusion. I found this blog trying to research why CP hurts my stomach. The comments must be why it came up in the search.
Thank you dor rhis thread. I too have experienced bloating and pain in my belly. I’m going to try using less to see if it helps. But man oh man the discomfort is real.
I’ve been searching everywhere on the internet and glad I found this. Immediately after starting vital proteins collagen creamer I started having bloating, gas, stomach pains and nausea. Felt horrible. I want the benefits but this feels horrible and it last for days. I’ll try cutting back and see what happens.
Wow I’m so glad I found this thread. I’ve researched everywhere… I’ve been taking collagen tablets for months and LOVED it. I then switched to powder for my coffee and experienced such terrible bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and head aches that I was so worried something was seriously wrong until it dawned on me I changed collagens. I looked and the serving from the tablet to the powder was 500 mg to 6400 MG. I will definitely be cutting down or stopping completely. I couldn’t find these adverse reactions anywhere else, so please keep this thread up for others to educate themselves.
This thread has been so helpful! I’ve been taking the Vital Proteins collagen peptides for several days now and immediately noticed the bloating and gas. I’ve been taking one scoop daily in my water. I’m going to switch to 1/2 scoop and see if that helps. I recently lost weight and would hate to gain it all back.
I started taking biotrust multi collagen powder hoping for relief from osteoarthritis in my knees and relief from hair loss due to covid virus . I was desperate for help…but I have IBS and was reluctant to try … but after 3 weeks … I’m in agony … bloating …. gas … diarrhea … thought I had a UTI took unnecessary antibiotics … beginning to worry about cancer it’s so bad… found this thread and realize I just cant assimilate this powder tho my knees feel better … hope stopping it for awhile proves my extreme side effects! Thank you all!!
I’ve stopped taking the powder to let my side effects subside … but I’m still suffering stomach pain and diarrhea and urgent urination. Does anyone know how long it takes for this to subside after cessation if use ? I’m really scared it won’t stop…. thank you for your help
Im a 32 year old healthy woman. I took collagen peptides I bought at Costco (Vital Proteins) for about 5 days and it left me very bloated, constipated, gave me stomach cramps, and really bad gas. I eat very healthy and have never felt this type of discomfort before. I stopped taking it and will throw this stuff in the trash!! I was only taking 1/4 of the dosage (1/2 of 1 scoop). I read so many good reviews before trying it and don’t understand how people say it helps them. This stuff is horrible! I can’t wait until I feel normal again.
I have the same issue as a lot of people. Been taking Vital Proteins HC for 3 months now and Ive put on 10 pounds, constipated and feel full and sluggish constantly. Haven’t changed my diet and increased my exercise during lockdown so it came as a shock to see the weight gain. Mostly on my stomach and bottom. Also my cycle has changed. Heavier and now every 14-21 days. It cant be a coincidence. It did however help my knee pain and improved my hair condition so it is a good product.
Im stopping now for a few weeks the will gradually build up from half a tspn. I was taking the recommended 2 scoops as it says on the tub. Way too much I believe now.
This is so interesting! I started collegen about 2 weeks ago. I have always had a flat stomach and suddenly I don’t. I think my skin looks better and I have osteopenia so it seemed like a good idea. I have been using a heaping scoop in my morning coffee but am quite bloated all day. I think after reading all this I will use a1/2 scoop for awhile and see if it helps. Otherwise I’ll send it back. I’m 67 so if my period starts I’ll let you know!!!
Happy to find this thread, I took Collagen for several says and i got my period, I had only gotten my period 14 days prior!
Never in my life have I gotten two periods in one month, I’m 50 and I will repeat it, NEVER in my life has this happened.
It definitely does something to your cycle as several other women here have written.
I can’t find AnY info on whether this is something to be worried about, I certainly don’t need to be bleeding more that I have to.
Happy to find this thread, I took Collagen for several says and i got my period, I had only gotten my period 14 days prior!
Never in my life have I gotten two periods in one month, I’m 50 and I will repeat it, NEVER in my life has this happened.
It definitely does something to your cycle as several other women here have written.
I can’t find AnY info on whether this is something to be worried about, I certainly don’t need to be bleeding more that I have to.
Whew! I thought I was having serious health issues until I came across this thread! I also have been taking Vital Proteins collagen and have been quite gassy with severe cramping. Truly scared me. Then it dawned on me that maybe it was the collagen powder I had recently started taking. I do one scoop as well and it makes me bloated and gassy. I won’t stop taking it however, because my face has tighten significantly. I guess there are pros and cons for everything. What’s a little discomfort and gas here and there when I’m looking 10yrs younger. 😁 I’ll cut back but not completely stop for now.
So happy to have found this. I’d been taking collagen since Aug. 1st. Had been having more bloating than usual, but this week I had some kind of attack just under my breastbone. Pain that almost sent me to the ER. Finally got over that, but have just had stomach issues and this afternoon a bought of diarrhea. Will definitely stop the collagen to see if it’s my problem, and I’m pretty sure it is. The only thing I’ve done different in the last few weeks.
My physical complaints are the same as others have written about, including the skin breakouts. I was taking 20 grams of the product once a day for approximately 4 months. I am older & I had read I might need to double the dosage. I have also read that collagen without vitamin c was useless. I was taking a separate vitamin c along with a multi vitamin. As someone stated above the discomfort is real. I haven’t been able to leave my house for a week. I have stopped taking the product & the extra vitamin c. When my system settles down I will try reducing the amount I take. I completely agree the companies selling collagen need to be upfront about the possible side effects. I too am disappointed. My skin feels softer & looks brighter, my nails & hair have improved, but my osteoarthritis has not improved which was the reason for trying collagen originally. I was hoping to be able to discontinue the pain medication. Well not yet.
Omg, I thought I was imaging it, I have being taking marine collagen vital proteins for about 4 months, I have gained at least half a stone , it’s only now after reading these comments I realise its from that. Plus my boobs are so swollen and sensitive the only plus is my Skin is not dry at all …
It must effect hormones in some way for sure !!! I’m gonna stop taking it
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but collagen works best if you have a carb and fat with it. If i have it will just coffee i get bad reactions.. nausea, headaches, diarrhea. Also I now only have one scoop every other day.. we don’t need to overload our bodies 🙂
Glad to have found this thread ! Just yesterday I started taking Collagen powder ( great lakes). I took one portion of 6 grams ( 1/2 tbsp) early in the afternoon, just to see how my body would respond to that. First hours no reaction , but then I got a nasty pain in my stomach/ belly area and this went on the whole night ! So I slept really bad because of it , and now ( the next day) I’m still having annoying pain . I feel so frustrated that even one dose and a small portion was causing such a reaction . The recommended dose is 24 grams , but I don’t think I’ll ever get to that . Strange that there is not much to find on the internet about these kind of abdominal reactions . I also noticed that I was more sleepy/ drowsy last night , even though I wasn’t able to sleep well .
I’m glad I found this page, I’m 50yrs very active, been having clothes size 34 to 36, now I guess size 38, thanks for all your sharing, last three months I have been taking 2 to three scoops, I gained 5 to 7kg,all clothes don’t fit me, skin wow I like it , looks younger and glowing, more constipated and this was my challenge Always but now worse, looks 5 months pregnant. I’m torn apart. Way forward : I must stop it for a while to clear my system. Start afresh, Then start with smaller doses, on alternative days, I believe the benefits will still be there. Changing products quickly will not give me real results, most products have mild side effects, but keep jumping up and down quickly don’t give right answers. Let’s avoid quick fixes syndromes. Testing new products very often is also a weakness, and will make us to be sceptical all life long. There is no perfect world. Give a product a benefit of doubt completely for a while, then you know that you know is real over. Good luck all in our journey for searching for better ways. . Thanks for your time. Love you. Happy are the more thinner ones, they can drink it and gain a little more weight, for little relieve of stomach discomfort take tsp bicarbonate of soda in 250ml cold water, twice daily.
I’ve been bloated for a while and never thought perhaps due to Collagen Peptides…?
I also take Vital Proteins and love it.
I was doing two scoops but will try just one and see if any improvement noticed.
Thank you for all of your comments.
I’m another person who stumbled upon this thread. Thank you to Urban Jane for keeping this thread available. After several weeks of suffering, I was trying to find out if Collagen had GI symptoms side effects. Like the others, I couldn’t find anything in other postings until I came here. Thank God I did. It just occurred to me that the only thing different is I started Orgain Collagen Peptides for about 3 weeks, 1 scoop in my morning coffee. My symptoms: 1. Very loud rumbling in my abdomen day and night
2. Very tired at night but woke up in the middle of the night anxious with abdominal cramping (very unusual.) 3. Burping and flatus. I felt like I had to force it out to get relief. 4. Dull ache, some pain under my left rib area. 5. Throat tightness and heartburn. 5. decreased appetite. I was ready to call my doc for a big workup, I was afraid I had cancer. But then the light went on! I realized I had started taking 1 scoop of Orgain Collagen Peptides. I am going to stop taking the collagen. However, after reading all the great benefits during all this research, I MIGHT start very slowly introducing it back into my diet at a later date.
Hello, I started taking vital proteins collagen about 3 days ago and loved that I could put it in my hot tea without any weird flavors, however I developed diarrhea each day and have had a weird air bubble like sensation in my abdomen along with a lot of burping. The container says take two scoops but I only do one. This is the only new thing in my diet so I definitely think the collagen is messing with my gastrointestinal tract 😬
I too came here with bad side effects. First two days, I had a scoop in my tea and was fine. Third day, I drank it in warm water possibly too quickly and my stomach hurt terribly! The next day I only had 1/2 scoop in some pancakes but then I started my period a week early. Never in my life have I had an early period unless I was traveling over many time zones, & that was maybe twice. I’m 41 and my cycle is like clock work. I’m more than a little freaked out that this acts like a hormone in our bodies. Perhaps that is why we get better skin but at what cost? I will be stopping and see if I feel better. I’m terribly bloated (normal for me during my period) and it’s not worth it to me if this is what the effect will be. My legs also feel so heavy like I’m holding extra water. I hope since I only took for 5 days, 40g total by body can bounce back. I thought I burst an ovarian cyst or something! Yikes!
I too bought collagen powder , but after 2 scoops I had severe cramps and diarrhoea. I stopped it immediately, but have had intermittent diarrhoea for 3 weeks . I went to my doctor and am doing stool tests and had full bloods done but I suspect it’s all from the collagen . It affected me like this once before , I’ll never take it again . Very glad I found these comments. I am a healthy mostly plant based eater and recently lost 10 kgs by doing a juice cleanse , and had been feeling great . I think I’m finally coming good but what a shocking reaction.
I am having the same experience and so thankful for this chain. I haven been taking one scoop of Live Well collagen for the past month. I have noticed a huge increase in anxiety-heart palpitations, perio menopause type symptoms (interrupted sleep, weird period cycle, hot daggers at night, insane anxiety), severe gas, and then the bloating came on suddenly after 3 weeks (I look 5 months
pregnant) constipation, headaches, weight gain and a off schedule period.
I am going to lay off it for now and try to get rid of the effects. Today will be the first day off of it. I am hoping for relief soon!
Tonight I had two scoops of Vital Proteins Marine Collagen in a cup of herbal chai on an otherwise empty stomach. Got it at Whole Foods Market yesterday. Like the rest of the commentators, I tried to search for digestive side effects and this blog post was the only thing I found!
About an hour after consumption I experienced stabbing gas pain just below the ribs on my left side, as well as bloating. The gas pain persisted for about an hour. Major mood kill. Definitely bad for productivity. I passed the gas (no odor, thankfully) and burped several times. Now I’m feeling well enough to go to do some exercise and go to bed. But the pain was not trivial.
I’m 39, female. I lift heavy weights and have practiced yoga and pranayama daily for over 15 years. I ride a bike for transportation. I would say that I’m vibrantly healthy. I follow an Ayurvedic inspired vegetarian diet and have strong digestion and very regular elimination. I don’t eat sugar or meat. I prioritize my health.
I see there are some comments to the effect of “Maybe it’s a detox effect” or “Maybe my microbiome isn’t healthy enough to process the Vital Proteins.” Maybe that’s what Dr. Axe is saying to people. I’m not buying it. I am very healthy with strong digestion and elimination, and this product caused me serious pain.
I tried the collagen because I read the studies and thought it was worth adding to my diet to see if it would help my skin maintain elasticity and re-build collagen, which has depleted over the past few years due to sun damage. However, after tonight’s painful wake-up call, I have second thoughts.
Supplements like this aren’t regulated. This powder is odorless and tasteless… it really could be anything, and it could be contaminated with anything. Best to stick to foods and herbs that are obviously from plants. Collagen has dietary precursors like Vitamin A and silica, and they are safe to ingest from whole foods. The supplement shortcut feels very risky to me, and I feel a bit foolish for potentially harming my already-healthy digestion with a suspect product.
Thanks for keeping this thread alive, Urban Jane. It’s disconcerting that there is so much hype around these supplements and nothing on the internet about the side effects. Reading what others who took the supplement for longer periods say about its effect on their hormone balance and weight gain is very troubling. I’m glad I only took the Not So Vital Proteins (or whatever it really is) only once, and won’t again.
I’m 55 and haven’t had a period In 2 years. Started menstruating yesterday with swollen breasts and bloating. Collagen has been in my daily diet four months. Loving less joint pain and better skin, but quit alarmed now. This thread shows I am not alone. Something in this powder is affecting my hormones.
Thank you for this thread. I’ve been taking the Neocell chews for the past week. I noticed significant reduction in my back pain which was very exciting but I’ve had horrible diarrhea and gas. Not sure I can accept the side effects. Reading through these threads, it doesn’t sound like it goes away. If you find good alternatives, please post.
OMG GOD BLESS THIS page!!! I started taking vital proteins collagen peptides about seven days ago and have felt so bloated, so much gas bubbles in my stomach, nauseous every morning after taking it and I’m only using one scoop. Digestion has been so off and uncomfortable. Going to stop taking immediately
Add me to the list. Started vital collagen 2 weeks ago for my achy joints. Now so bloated and feels like I’m gaining weight. My big jeans are tight. And I’m trying to lose! Not any joint relief yet so I guess I’ll quit the collagen. Not worth gaining weight. Back to the daily ibuprofen.
I just found this and have read so many of these comments. I’ve been taking Vital Proteins collagen peptide powder for maybe 4 months now. I’ve been stuggling with waking up maybe 5 to 10 times a night the last couple months. My Estradiol dropped significantly. Now having severe stomach issues, like my stomach is churning daily. Seeing now so many others having these issues too after taking this supplement, I will stop immediately. Scary!
Grateful for this thread about the side effect of bloating with collagen. My gut health has been great the past 1-2 years… before that not so much. I started consuming 1 scoop in my afternoon tea for the past week. Each evening I’ve experienced abdominal discomfort including bloating. It’s so uncomfortable!! Plan to stop taking for a few days to get back to baseline. Will try 1/3 to 1/2 scoop and increase slowly if better tolerated. Grateful for everyone’s comments.
Thank you for posting this. I started taking Vital Proteins August of 2020 1 scoop during the weekdays. I didn’t notice any change in pain, but thought I saw a difference in my skin and nails. I did not associate the collagen peptides with symptoms I started having that worsened over time even as I cut back. My body acted as though I was consistently having PMS, I gained weight (I’ve been the same size for 30 years), odd cravings, was always bloated, period came early (never happened, ever) and heavier, started have hot flashes and then came even worse bloating and gas. The last straw was diarrhea and lethargy. I couldn’t leave the house for a week. I stopped taking it because I just didn’t feel like coffee or tea. After a week the symptoms started to improve. Today, I added a small scoop and bam, I feel awful. My stomach is killing, all the GI problems are back and I’m in a ball on the couch. I’ll be throwing this stuff out ASAP and sticking to bone broth. There may be benefits for some, but it’s definitely messing with my hormones and gut health. Please keep this post up. I would have never known what was going on if I didn’t do a Google search after today’s episode.
I have had really terrible bloating and gas from using collagen. It takes several day to resolve the cramping and the feeling of needing to dedicate for relief. Once I stop using it I need at least three days to recover from the pain that the cramping caused.
Since I have been taking collagen peptides powder I have gained weight and had an uncomfortable bloated belly that takes 2 to 3 days to dissipate. Seems like the majority of women have had the same complaints which begs the question as to why is it recommended for us women in the first place. Another anti aging scam maybe?! I have stopped using now and feel much better. Personally I do not recommend.
I found this after researching VP collagen and couldn’t find ANY negative reviews about it on the internet. This means those in power are paying for neg reviews to be deleted or hidden. Super super shady.
I would like to know if there is a way to enjoy the benefits of collagen and avoid side effects.
Wow. So glad I found this page.
Collagen peptides were recommended to me as part of a nutritionist’s detox. First time taking them was fine, but every other instance caused me severe sharp abdominal pain and eventually diarrhea and vomiting. I have since stopped and I am going on 48 hours past my last consumption with symptoms still occurring, albeit with less severity. I have tried several of the collagen peptide supplements (including my nutritionist’s brand) and they ALL cause me to have these symptoms, even at 1/8 teaspoon.
For everyone saying they will try again, please DON’T. Please listen to your body. If you had this kind of a reaction to a drug, no one would recommend continuing to take it (despite my nutritionist’s efforts to do so…). So sorry to hear everyone else experiencing this!
I started to realize that the only change in my diet this week was adding collagen to my morning smoothies. I’ve had terrible pains in my stomach, horrible gas, and extreme bloating to the point that I look pregnant. Going into the office to work has been mortifying. I would NOT recommend continuing a product that makes you feel this way, there is a reason that our bodies are rejecting this. Our body naturally makes the amount of collagen that we need, we should not take a supplement if it causes any level of pain. I’m grateful that I found this thread to reassure my assumption that this was due collagen.
Wow! Glad I found this thread. I’m 36, and for the last year I’ve had a bunch of physical changes happen that I wasn’t ready for (constipation, irregular period, weight gain, insomnia, night sweats, thinning hair, MOOD SWINGS). So about a week ago I started taking VP to see if it would help with my hair at least.
I found this blog post (and amazing thread) because I noticed I was having more bowel movements since starting the collagen, which for me is a good thing because I haven’t been regular in months. I’ve also been sleeping better at night and haven’t been waking up in pools of sweat. And for the first time in a long time, I wake up to a flat belly (I’ve been waking up to a full rock solid bloat lately)
HOWEVER I’m reading all these other stories and am thinking this isn’t something I’ll want to be on long term. I have experienced some belly cramps and I don’t want that to get worse. For now I will lower my dosage (currently doing 2 scoops in my morning smoothie) and monitor for any side effects.
Thanks to you all for sharing your story. It sucks that there’s no information out there. This collective wisdom is what we need more of!
So glad I googled “collagen and bloating” and found this thread. My sister suggested I take CP, so I bought a brand made from fish. I took one scoop in my coffee just yesterday morning…a few hours later, my stomach bloated terribly, and I got an awful, dull pain under my left ribs. I have IBS, so I am extremely careful with my diet. I still feel boated more than 24 hours later. I won’t be taking it again. Collagen is not for everyone.
I am glad to have found this site. I started taking CP vital protein in the pink container and it didn’t bother me. I am on my second container, the blue one and I am having such constant bad gas and alot of soft BM’s not diarrhea. The bloating is ridiculous. My body looks and feels swollen, especially my stomach, butt and legs, even after reducing to 1/2 scoop in my morning coffee. I am 58 well into menopause, no periods thankfully. Nothing in my diet has changed, only the collagen. It has taken 3 days to feel somewhat normal again. My nails are the only improvement I see. Like everyone else I only saw the good reviews..into the trash it goes.
I to suffer from the bloat and gas I thought this would help with my digestive issues having IBS , diverticulitis . Hoping it would of helped with the many benefits stated about collagen. What it can do for aging of skin hair, nails joints etc. I’m 62 yrs young and feel bloated taking collagen peptides i haven’t noticed any real difference in my skin hair or nails,joints using collagen for 2 months no real change but feeling bloated full and not hungry. I will discontinue using collagen to see if I feel better without it for a while.
No one mentioned urine odor or clear urine…other than that, I feel good!
Same here! I was having such bad gas and stomach rumblings, then started spotting and my period ended maybe 10 days ago. I started googling today because I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I rarely have digestive issues. I’ve been taking VP for about two weeks. The first week I was taking one scoop in the AM in my workout mix of BCAAs and beet powder…. second week I added the second scoop in the evening in hot tea before bed. It’s been bloating, gas, and discomfort for the last 4 days. I’m about to toss this in the trash.
Great article – thanks for sharing. I tried Collagen powder supplements and although it made my body and overall feeling of wellness great, it tore up my stomach. For weeks, I had no clue what was going on then realized, the only thing different I did was added Collagen to my diet. So I stopped and my stomach became balanced again. I did another test to ensure it wasn’t a fluke and tore my stomach up again. 🙁
If you google collagen and constipation you will find that the majority of objective health sites say collagen causes constipation. The majority of those sites that say collagen relieves constipation usually are product affiliate sites with something to sell.
I have been taking Orgain Collagen Peptides for about 2 weeks. Suddenly I am having really bad stomach aches and massive headaches as well as worse joint pain in hip and left arm than I had before I started taking it. The pain in my joints is totally shocking as I thought Collagen was suppose to help reduce inflammation not make it worse! Just wondering of anyone else has experienced more joint pain as I have since I have been reading the comments here and it seems as if I the only one experiencing an increase in joint pain. It really sucks and is super painful! I have decided to stop taking it today will be mt first day not taking it so hoping I will feel better.
I have been taking one scoop of VP blue container every day for four months. Really helped with joints. About a month ago Starting having stomach pain/burning every morning when I woke up. Had CT scan and it showed nothing. Found this site with all the comments and decided to stop the collagen. Has been five days now and the pain is gone. Wish gastroenterologist would have known about possible side effects and suggested stopping the collagen.
I had incredible stomach cramping after taking collagen Peptides, however, it did not occur to me at the beginning that this “supplement” made me so sick. My doc even performed a cat scan since he was so concerned. I am really surprised that this is not known and so many women have to suffer.
When I googled I stumbled on this site which solved my pains. Thank goodness!
This is an incredible post. Thank you for continuing to share it. I’ve been taking native paths collagen for about four days. I was going on the recommendation of the fellow who sells this. For the first three days I took a single scoop In the morning in my smoothie and I felt fine except for the fact that I was urinating much more frequently but that didn’t really bother me. I attributed it to the collagen and it felt like it might be a good thing. This morning, day four, when I awakened I noticed that my belly felt very bloated. It didn’t hurt and I just moved on. Later in the day all of a sudden I had to urinate and could not contain the urination. So a change of clothes Was in order. And then about an hour later I was taking a nap and all of a sudden had to have a bowel movement which again I could not contain. I have never experienced anything like this in my life even when I’ve had good reason to have loose stools. I have always been able to contain my bodily functions. This scared me to death. So I immediately started googling various things about the use of collagen and came across this blog. I’m thinking all of you now for having shared your experiences and I now know that it’s what’s been bothering me today. I’m going to lay off for a couple of days to see if my body settles down. I am also going to send the address of this blog to the man who sells the native path collagen. My sense about this is that it works fine for men but the difference in the hormonal configuration of the female body makes it problematic for women. Once again, thank each and everyone of you for all of your contributions to this blog post and thank you urban Jane for keeping us informed.
I’ve been taking vital protein for 2 weeks now and have not felt any negative affects from it. 1 scoop daily in my morning tea.
Taken vital proteins and now tried another brand – they’ve both given me major bloating stomach pain 🙁 I wish I could enjoy the benefits but I haven’t had stomach pain since I cut out carbs and it has been glorious! I mostly eat meat and haven’t been eating enough lately thought I’d try collagen again. I tried VP when I first started keto but couldn’t handle the bloat 🙁 In Wish there was a collagen that had some thing with it to reduce this. The brand I tried now is vital vitamins . It was supposed to have a digestion aid but it didn’t help me
I started taking Vital Proteins a few weeks ago and have all the issues everyone has mentioned. Bloating, heartburn and weight gain. I am 51 and know my body well. I have mentioned more and more that everything I have been eating upsets my stomach and since taking it the scale went up while it had been going down. I was taking another brand and hind sight, it may have been contributing to issues. I have read about water retention and yep, have had that for a while. All blood work came back good, so out it all goes and let’s see how it takes to get out of my system!
I’ve had so much lower stomach pain I actually thought of going to the hospital. I’ve also been very bloated, had increase in urination and diarhea. Thank you so much ladies for all your honest posts!! I’ll be throwing mine out asap! Anything that does this to us is definitely not good for the body!
I started taking one scoop of DR Axe Collagen and protein powder for all the benefits. After about 4 weeks I noticed severe bloating then my monthly cycle started on schedule but I had the worse symptoms . Nauseous, cramping , gas pains , my chest felt heavy. I had a pretty heavy flow for like 5 straight days, which is not usual for me. I pretty sure it is the collagen causing all these bad effects. I have decided to stop taking it so my body can get back to normal.
I have been taking Vital Protein Collagen Peptides for about 2 weeks and it has been causing diarrhea daily. Otherwise i feel great. I have reduced the amount to 1/2 scoop, twice a day and still the same result. I will try using Enzymedica Digestive enzymes before i give up taking the Collagen. Taking the Collagen was the only change i made in my diet and yes, the diarrhea started when i began taking the Collagen.
Dermatologist recommended I start taking collagen peptide powder supplement. I’m 65 yrs young & avid exerciser. My weight’s been steady for years. Started taking Vital Proteins (Blue container) 19 days ago daily in coffee. Glad finally found this site. I’ve experienced major bloating, feeling so full, stomach discomfort & significant weight gain since starting.
Because I have history of ovarian cancer, just had abdominal/pelvic CT and colonoscopy to rule out issues. All clear! Leaves collagen as culprit. Decreased amt taking today to see if helps. Haven’t seen any benefits yet.
I wish I had read this earlier. I am only on it a week but also have experienced stomach pain and diarrhoea after taking vital proteins collagen powder. I have tried everything, drinking it in water before and after meals, putting it in soup but I still feel awful. Given how common a side effect this seems to be they should put a warning on their site that this may happen. I only use one scoop a day but fear I will have to stop using it. And I bought two large packs!!
I use vital proteins. If I go off for a while and start back on it I also get bloating – but it subsides once your body acclimated in my experience. I always put mine in a cup of very warm organic chicken stock (bone broth) so there’s an extra boost as well. It’s a mini cup of soup snack – yum.
For me, I just figured out that I need to take the CP on an empty stomach in the morning and wait for at least an hour before I have any food. This way, the CP can go through my system without colliding with any food, which it what I think was causing the gas and bloating. This morning, I just took it in some warm green tea (no frothing it which I think makes it much worse for gas) I still have very minor heartburn, but I’m hoping that this will calm down as I continue to take it. No other unpleasant effects.
I too have just started getting the bloating and abdominal aching. Very disappointed as my hair and skin is looking and feeling great. I am 69 and have been taking VP Marine collagen powder for over two months. Has anybody tried Absolute Collagen in the sachets? Just wondering if it may be easier to digest.
So relieved I came across this website as nothing else I read was saying anything other than good. Started collagen and immediately felt discomfort in my stomach which built up to nausea feeling of fullness so loss of appetite. Stomach upsets were uncontrollable especially immediately after taking the product. Sleeping then became affected obviously because of the digestive system trying to cope. Started to feel generally unwell with bloating and lack of appetite but the worst was the diarrhoea keeping me indoors not far from the bathroom.
It didn’t register that it could be the collagen until I came across this post so thank you for keeping it open. More information on taking the product should be available. Eventually had to go and see consultant who confirmed that it seemed this could be the culprit and to lay off it..after two weeks things are settling down. A shame as my skin and nails were amazing but not worth feeling like this. Thank you urban Jane. Please ladies get more information before taking this product.
I echo the sentiments of so many others who have posted here – so happy I came across this post! I’m a personal trainer, fit and healthy, and my nutritionist recommended I take collagen for some joint pain. I’ve been experiencing gas, lower G.I. pain and cramping, along with constipation, for the better part of a month. Funny, it subsided when I stopped the collagen and returned when I started taking it again. It’s been so bad that I made an appointment with my G.I. doctor, who I have to see anyway for a certain 10-year procedure coming up. 🙂 I’m stopping collagen immediately in hope that I can go into the procedure without being in misery. I’ve been taking Besha collagen at night before bedtime. No more!!!
Thank goodness I read this thread. Explains a lot to why I have gained weight and look 3 month pregnant. Not cool
Thank you for sharing this thread! I tried collagen one time today and a recommended/fancier brand from my health food store and I had so many bowel movements and diarrhea. I ate normally and the same as my husband all the rest of the day (and he was fine and did not take collagen). I heard there are benefits to collagen but I am definitely going to stay away. Good thing I was home all day today because the only other time this happened was when I accidentally ingested too much artificial sweetener. I had to double-check that the collagen bottle to make sure that it did not contain any sweetener (it did not) because of my symptoms.
I have been taking NeoCell collagen peptitides 10gm a day for about 8 months. I have had issues with occasional constipation most my life. Now I am always constipated. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if there is a different brand i should be taking because of the constipation.
Hello,I have a sister who is totally benefitting from the collagen powder! 🙂 Another sister and myself decided to try it to help with my colitis,osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. She took hers for bursitis and stomache problems. We were talking yesterday as we said we would update as to how it’s working. We are both experiencing tremendous amounts of pain,more than usual. We have both been unable to even use our treadmills,me my rowing machine as well. She exercises daily,I do minimal as instructed daily according to my pain specialist recommended exercises. I had to limp away from the rodeo yesterday. Has anyone else experienced more pain since starting. We have both finished the 1 month containers
So glad bbn I found this. Been taking about a month and had serious bloating, constipation and terrible pains on right side. Also in perimenopause had not had a period in 6 months, had one week after starting and now feel like I was posing (boobs very sore). What is in this stuff? Throwing it out!
So glad I found this too. Last night I was puking for an hour after taking VP gummies from target, and today I have the worst stomach cramps and gas and my body hurts. I’m also starving but bloated at the same time. Wtf
I started taking Vital Protein collagen unflavored powder 3 months ago. My skin became much softer and I have not had to use lotion. But in the last 2 weeks I get stomach cramps ad diarrhea once I go to bed (I take the collagen in the morning). Not every night but I feel like I have a stomach bug when it hits. I have felt generally unwell the past 2 weeks. So I found this info tonight. I am going to stop it completely and once I feel normal again may try just one scoop instead of two. My husband is taking it too but not having these problems. I will be sad if I cannot keep taking it though.
Male, 69. Three months ago I decided to forgo alcohol for health reasons and to lose a little weight. In its place I started taking Vital Proteins. First 1 scoop then 2 in my morning coffee. I thought I was going to feel much better without the usual wine. In fact, after 3 months of not imbibing I feel worse and have gained weight and am bloated with a belly. My energy level is low even though I eat well 2x a day and exercise at HotWorx 5 days a week. I’m uncomfortable, feel fat (I am not) and my stomach hurts. So finding this site tonight is a hallelujah moment. Looks like I’ll be abstaining from Vital Proteins as well. Thank y’all for sharing. I would’ve kept wondering what I was doing wrong, while I was still ingesting the VP.
I, too, am glad that I found this thread. I’ve been taking Vital Proteins (2 scoops per day) for several months and have noticed a great improvement in my nails. However, for many weeks I’ve been experiencing gas, bloating, and very watery diarrhea. I chalked it up to being on a diet to lose weight. My situation now includes frequent, urgent trips to the bathroom. Last week, my husband started taking Vital Proteins, too. He immediately started having large amounts of gas. Now that we are having the same symptoms, it now occurs to me that the collagen is causing my ongoing intestinal problem. We are both stopping Vital Proteins today … hopefully, that will help us both.
Like the others, I am so happy to find this thread. I started taking the collagen powder from Happy Mammoth. On day 4 my stomach started feeling like it was going through a meat grinder. I was in misery all night. The next day it felt like I had been gut punched and the pain radiated to my lower back. I also had urinary issues as well. To the ladies who have had menstrual issues, check the other ingredients. Mine contains chickory root. When trying to find the cause of my stomach pain, I researched and found that it can cause menstrual cycle issues. That’s not applicable to me, but I saw others who were wondering about it.
Echoing the majority of others sentiments, I’m so happy I found this thread. I’ve been taking Vital Proteins for about seven days- one scoop in my coffee, the other in a glass of almond milk later in the day-the first couple days I loved it because it made me feel super full/felt like it was supressing my appetite and my tendency to binge eat. As the days went on, I felt anxious and sad and was having trouble sleeping (which is uncommon for me). I was waking up many times in the night. Last night was the last straw, I felt like I was being stabbed in my stomach- couldn’t believe the pain. After lots of googling, I realized this has to be the culprit since it’s the only thing I’ve changed in the last week. Glad I’m not alone but it’s unfortunate there are no potential warning labels on these products.
I have been taking vital proteins a scoop morning. After three months my stomach started to bloat and started feeling burning sensation by evening. I stopped and it was gone. Then I stared half a scoop same thing bloating and burning after a week. Stopped. My stomach is getting back to normal. I love the collagen as it helped so much with joint pain and aches. In fact I did not have any. Once I stopped knee and joint pain back.
This is my 2nd day on vital collagen and I’ve got bad diarrhea on both days. I took 1 tablespoon on first day and 1/2 tablespoon today. I will reduce it further to 1 teaspoon tomorrow.
Have been on this for a month and a half and didn’t have symptoms until a couple weeks ago. Started great and noticed the benefits but have had some serious stomach pain and heartburn recently. Tested to see if it was the collagen again this weekend and my stomach is still healing from it a few days later. Could maybe be something else but seems too circumstantial to be a coincidence
I have taken collagen powder for more than 5 months and had a severe side effects.Although my facial skin has tightened and looks good it’s not worth having tons of health issues due to consumption of collagen powder.had severe hair loss,headaches,frequent bowel movements, frequent urination ,heartburn,water retention,fatigue,disturbed sleep and list goes also affects you psychologically as your gut is always messed after consuming collagen.another important factor is it can lead to scleroderma after consistent consumption for longer period of time this disease is associated with more production of collagen in the body.So please stop taking it .I am the live example of how it messes up with your everyday life and work.l am so glad I found this thread and could share my experience.hope it helps others.Thanks.