I hope your week has been good so far!
For me, it's actually a pretty exciting one because I start to work at a new place today. I'm definitely feeling a bit nervous but excited at the same time.
However, there's always room for a little workout, right? Especially if all it takes is 15 minutes, and if you have a kettlebell at home, which, I hope, by now you do 🙂
30–10 Bodyweight Kettlebell Challenge
I did the following bodyweight & kettlebell workout the other day after teaching the super early 5.30 bootcamp class.
It was early.
It was hard to get moving.
I felt really slow…
Yes, that's exactly how I felt, but none of these things is a valid reason for skipping the workout. Besides, knowing that you'll be done in 20-ish minutes helps a lot. The first round may be hard, but the next one is easier. Before you know it, you're half way through the workout…
And it happens to me a lot that instead of the five rounds I had planned, I end up doing six. Or eight. You've just gotta get moving and it all gets easier from there!
As we all know, consistency is the only way to results, no matter what your goals are.
Here's what you need for this workout:
Kettlebell. For this workout, you need one kettlebell. You're going to do kettlebell swings.
I used 35 lbs, but use whatever weight is good for you. If you're a beginner and are giving kettlebell swings try for the first time (virtual high five to you! You rock!), I recommend 15 lbs for women and 20 for men.
If you're advanced, go heavier!
Chair / bench / bed / something higher to put your legs on. You're going to do pike push ups! However, if these are too hard for you, you can do any push up variation you like.
Mat. That's optional. If you're working out outdoors on the grass and don't mind getting a bit dirty, you don't need it. Workout outside if you can, it's so much better, and nothing bad will happen to you if you get a little grass on your shirt. 🙂
Bodyweight. The most valuable workout tool you have.
This workout will take you 15-20 minutes, depending on how fast you move and how many breaks you take.
Outside, backyard, living room, bedroom, gym, office…
Okay, maybe you don't want to burpees in your office… but maybe you do. You will inspire other people, that's for sure.
You'll be doing five rounds of four exercises: Kettlebell Swings, Pike Push Ups, Sit Ups, and Burpees. Follow this scheme:
5 rounds
30 Kettlebell Swings
10 Pike Push Ups (or your choice of Push Ups)
30 Sit Ups
10 Burpees – click here to see how you can make them a bit easier
See how one round of the workout looks like:
Here's How to Do the Exercises:
Kettlebell Swings
Stand up tall, feet about hip-width apart, kettlebell between the heels. Keep the core tight, but don't suck the stomach in. Try to keep it neutral. Pick up the bell, keeping your back straight then swing the weight back between your legs. Swing up, powerfully pushing the hips forward, and extend the knees and hips. Let the bell swing up to your shoulder level. Swing it back between the legs.
Find the detailed description for kettlebell swings here.
Pike Push Ups
Put your feet up on a bench, chair, couch or whatever else you can use. Get into the plank position, wrists directly under the shoulders. Lift your hips up. The higher the hips are and the more vertical your upper body is, the harder this exercise is going to be.
Bend the arms so that your head gets closer to the floor, then push back into your starting position again. You can start carefully and see how much you can lower your arms, and as you start to feel more comfortable, you can start bending your arms slightly more.
Sit Ups
Lie down on the mat, knees bent, arms overhead. Come up, bring your arms overhead and touch the ground between the legs.
Bend your knees and put your hands down on the floor in front of you. Jump your legs back coming to a plank push up position. Lower your body down until your chest and thighs touch the floor. Push yourself back up and at the same time, jump your legs back under your chest. Finally, jump up.
If you need to do an easier version, check out this article where you'll find three ways to modify your burpees.
If you did the workout, let me know how you liked it!
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