Sometimes we believe that weight loss makes us healthier. And granted, there are people for whom this is really the case.
However, if we take weight loss too far so that we lose too much and ruin our health while doing so, we need to step back and realize that we're causing ourselves way more harm than good.
Following is an email from one of my clients (I'm sharing it with her permission):
I started running more to get fitter.
I calculated my BMR and found it was about 1400. I thought that if I burn more daily, I lose weight faster.
Then I read that carbs are basically just sugar. Fruit is basically like candy! Same thing. So I cut carbs out. I still had my period though.
Then I started fasting. I drank coffee with butter & coconut oil for breakfast, then ate my 2 meals between noon and 8pm. Now my period is gone.
My hair loss scares me. My pillow is covered with hair when I wake up in the morning.
I’m thinking about food all the time and I have cravings but I’m afraid to eat more. It feels wrong to allow myself to eat, and I feel that I’m good only when I’m able to restrict.
This is what one my clients emailed me 2.5 months ago. Does any of this sound familiar?
Today, she’s eating 3-4 meals a day when she’s HUNGRY, it does not matter to her what time it is. She eats rice, fruit and even bread. Her last break through is from last week when she ate chocolate first time in 3 years!! She has also had white flour, while before even just the thought of it caused her to panic.
That’s a LOT OF PROGRESS, isn’t it?? Yes she has gained weight. But that’s part of recovery. She has way less food fears than before, that alone has a huge win. Also her hair has started growing back. We’re still working on her hypothalamic amenorrhea but she’s patient and TRUSTS the process and her body.
She WILL recover and so will you if you really want to. You just need to do the right things and stay patient!
If you need help with hypothalamic amenorrhea or learning how to eat flexibly, mindfully and healthfully without dieting, I can help you.
We work on your behaviors around food and fitness, improve your body image and if needed, create your unique training plan that supports your health and wellness goals.
Get in touch here if you're ready to take the step towards food freedom and true physical and mental health.
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