Today I have a real treat for you — you're going to learn all about weight loss after recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea and adrenal fatigue.
I was really excited to sit down with my friend Danny J to talk about weight loss after amenorrhea and adrenal fatigue. I get so many questions regarding this topic, and I don't know any better person to talk about it than Danny.
If you've just realized that you have hypothalamic amenorrhea too, download this quick guide that teaches you exactly how to eat to get your period back.
Years ago, dieting and training for figure competitions started to take a toll on Danny's health. She became extremely exhausted, she lost her period, her thyroid wasn't functioning normally… To the point where she started putting on weight extremely fast without being able to have any control over it.
Years later, the weight gradually started to come off.
In this interview, you find out more about her story and post amenorrhea weight loss.
Here are the timestamps of this video:
1:00 Danny's background as a personal trainer and a figure competitor
2:30 Gaining weight, despite eating “clean” and cutting calories even more
3:45 Gaining 30 lbs in just a few months and spending the next 2 years trying to find the next diet that would help to lose it
5:00 Finding the reasons: Was it adrenal fatigue, metabolic damage, hypothalamic amenorrhea, all of them?
5:45 What eating 900 calories a day and working out 2-4 hours a day looked like
6:30 When the weight finally started to drop
8:35 Mental stress from dieting
12:55 Extreme exhaustion and other symptoms that Danny experienced during the years of adrenal fatigue and hypothalamic amenorrhea
17:30 Once you period is back, when is it safe to start losing weight?
20:10 What you should do when overtraining symptoms are coming back (and often they will… )
22:25 What were Danny's biggest fears going through this process and what she did about them
24:30 Gradual, unintentional weight loss
27:00 Danny's lifestyle now, when she's not worrying about her weight
31:10 How can you accept your body when you feel too big, too ugly, too out of shape? How to change your mindset?
34:40 Danny's final advice: The best way to recover from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and Adrenal Fatigue
Find out more about Danny:
The Best Life Podcast
If you need support on your journey to recover from overtraining or hypothalamic amenorrhea, you can apply to work with me.
Hi! Thank you so much for posting this! My story is so similar it’s almost weird! I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue about a week ago. I had an eating disorder and over exercised. In recovery I gained 80 pounds (60 over my set point) and was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. I just started a bunch of suppliments but I was wondering, did she have to change her diet to lose the weight? I had to go gluten free after tests but everything I read online is no sugar no processed foods no dairy no anything and it seems so restrictive and scary since I use to be disordered. Just wondering about her diet as she recovered! Thanks!
Hi Sara! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I know that when Danny was recovering, she didn’t have any dietary restrictions, in fact she used to eat pretty freely and not the highest quality foods at all. She just completely let go of any kind of restriction.
I would say that if gluten, dairy etc don’t bother your stomach, there’s no need to leave them out. You need food and you need calories. I’m glad that you realize how restrictive this “don’t eat XWZ” mentality can be for your health. I would say, eat what you really feel like and never under eat.
This was so great! Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Danny! So encouraging as someone who is in the process of recovery 🙂
Thanks so much for watching Tiffany!!