Today’s podcast is on a personal topic and talks about how and why I made a quite big shift in my career in 2014. That's 9 years ago! You can watch
Client Success Story: Building Muscle & Getting STRONG in the Mid 40s: With Stephanie Hansen – Balanced Vibes Ep259
When you read the title of today’s episode, I hope that it got you as excited about this chat as I am! In this interview, I’m talking to my former
My Relationship With Fitness Over The Years and What You Can Learn From It – Balanced Vibes Ep255
In today’s episode I’m taking you on the journey with me where we go through different phases of my fitness journey. I’m sharing openly the struggles
The Personality Type Who Does Well With Tracking Macros – Balanced Vibes Ep252
Macro tracking is a great tool and will give you great results if you stick with it. But it’s not for everyone. It takes a certain personality type
Why I’m Not The Right Coach For You – Balanced Vibes Ep210
In today’s episode I want to share with you some reasons why you DON’T want to work with me. I want to be sure that coaching is a good fit for both
“It Doesn’t Make Sense To Hire A Coach If She Can’t Promise Me Immediate Weight Loss” – Balanced Vibes Ep195
My clients tend to fall into two categories: 1. Those who had hypothalamic amenorrhea in the past 2. Those who have a long history with low