Watch the video below to learn what supplements are the best, and what I personally am taking. Note though that I'm not a health care professional so what I recommend is based only on my experience, and what I say should never be used in place of professional medical advice.
A lot of times, women ask me: What kind of supplements help me start feeling better if I'm always tired, exhausted and burnt out?
Supplements Can't Undo Poor Lifestyle
Supplements can help, but the truth is that nothing can out-supplement poor lifestyle. Overtraining and not enough sleep is poor lifestyle, and we have to deal with that first. Here are some tools that help you recover from overtraining. These are the most important things.
My Favorite Supplements that Support An Active Lifestyle
That being said, there are some supplements that can help us to recover faster. Here are my favorites:
Magnesium is the mineral that gets depleted first when we get stressed out. And overtraining is definitely a form of stress. I take magnesium glycinate and I'm currently using Now brand.
Vitamin D
This is particularly important for those who don't get a lot natural sunlight, who have or have had hypothalamic amenorrhea, or who are looking to get pregnant. It can really help with energy.
If you haven't had a period for a while, you may have lost some bone density. Vitamin D can help a bit, but remember that the healthiest thing to do is to get your ovulation and period back. This is the brand I am using.
Women who suffer from lack of energy are often deficient in B complex. This is the brand that I use, and I also get weekly B-vitamin shots. B vitamins can also help regulate hormones.
Women's Health
I'm taking this supplement to support my reproductive system that tends to be sensitive… I actually got this recommendation from a Colombian shaman last year (2019) when we visited Rythmia for plant medicine ceremony.
This may not be relevant for all of you, but if you have any inflammation in the body, or you experience pain, turmeric is a nice herb that can help with that. I took it when my back occasionally flared up (luckily, haven't needed it in a while!). This is the brand that I'm using.
Manage Your Lifestyle First!
All these supplements can help to manage stress and keep our bodies healthy. But, let's not forget that first we have to eat enough, move in moderation, sleep and rest enough, and also keep our mental health in check. No supplement, no matter what it promises, can undo bad stress.
Questions? Let me know!
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