No matter how perfectly we think we eat, there's always a diet that tells us that what we're doing is wrong.
We like to follow diets. But no matter what diet we're currently on, someone can easily point out all the mistakes we're making.
It all depends on perspective!
Think about it – 5 years ago when you were on a certain diet, you ate quite a bit differently from now, right? If you were able to see 5 years ago what you're eating today, there's a good chance that you'd be judging yourself.
I definitely would have. Here's an example…
All The Things That Are Wrong With This Dinner
Recently, we have found this Vietnamese restaurant near us and we're hooked!
The picture above is from a noodle bowl that I've ordered several times now. I can eat it without thinking twice because I have no food restrictions — I can eat whatever I want and whenever I want it.
But it wasn't always like that.
Here are all the things that would have been wrong with it, depending on what diet I was currently on:
🛑 Weight Watchers would have said that this meal has way too many points (=calories) to consume at one meal
🛑 Strict Paleo would have said that I should never, ever eat fried foods like these spring rolls. In addition, it has rice noodles and peanuts. There's no way I can have this!
🛑 Intermittent fasting. My fasting “window' used to be 8pm-noon but I ate this around 8:30 at night so I “failed” to follow my diet. There's no reason why I really had to restrict my time like this, other than I was “on the plan” when I did.
🛑Juice cleanse – it's pretty obvious that this isn't a juice.
We Don't Need Unreasonable Restrictions
Is your life ruled by similar food limitations or restrictions? Do you really need them? Why?
What I've found now is that I don't need them. I can manage my hunger, fullness, preferences and eating times myself, without any external rules.
✅ I don't need to calculate points in my head, my stomach tells me when I'm full
✅ I don't let the clock tell me when it’s “okay” to eat. What if I missed my “window” and now it's 8:01, so that means I have to wait til noon? Just because the diet said so?
✅ I don't die if I have little bit of fried something. I don't eat fried food often because I simply don't like most fried things. These spring rolls though – yes!
Do what works for YOUR body. That obviously also means avoiding things that make you physically sick or you have allergies to. Other than that – no need to follow a diet just because otherwise you're not on the “plan”. Diets are not smarter than you!
If you need help with hypothalamic amenorrhea or learning how to eat flexibly, mindfully and healthfully without dieting, I can help you.
We work on your behaviors around food and fitness, improve your body image and if needed, create your unique training plan that supports your health and wellness goals.
Get in touch here if you're ready to take the step towards food freedom and true physical and mental health.
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