This is how I looked like yesterday after my 16-minute workout.
This is very real. I was exhausted.
Especially now as I'm traveling and want to do a whole bunch of other things too, I want to keep my workouts short. I don't think that traveling should be an excuse to take a break from working out, because what if you travel for three weeks?
Anyway, for the next weeks, my workouts will be even shorter than usual.
The beauty of short and sweet HIIT workouts is that they last up to 20 minutes (this particular one was 16 minutes long), but they make you work as hard as you possibly can.
It's All About You
Wait, did I say they make you work as hard as you possibly can? Let me take it back. It's you who has to kick your own butt and make sure that those 16 minutes are well spent.
Because no matter how hard the workout looks on the paper, no matter if you had to do ten rounds of 30 seconds burpees – if you don't give it your all, you will be wasting your time.
So, better work hard on those high intensity workouts, because this is how you get the results that you are looking for.
But What About Lower Impact Workuts?
Lower impact workouts have their place and time, too. For example, if I want to learn proper kettlebell clean technique, I can't do it in a hurry. If I want to practice handstands, I have to be patient and spend long hours practicing. And many times, just light running or walking is a great idea.
They just have a different goal. When you are planning to do a HIIT workout, do a HIIT workout. You can't half-ass that, or otherwise, it's not HIIT. As you know, it stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Counting seconds and not giving it your all is not high intensity.
Be Sure to Be Ready for HIIT Workouts
However, be careful with HIITs and pushing your limits, if you have a health condition or if you are very obese. You will probably need to build up some strength and stamina before starting HIIT.
In HIIT workouts, your hear rate will get very high, and even if it's only for a short time, it may be harmful for some individuals.
If you are healthy and conditioned, give it a go and give your all. Spend your sort minutes well. How much bang for your buck you get is up to you.
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