My New eBook: Lost Your Period? Why You May Have Lost Your Period and How To Get It Back is here!
I'm really excited about this easy-to-read ebook in which you’ll learn the most important things you need to know about exercise induced amenorrhea and learn how to get over it. Here's more about it…
Why I Wrote This Book
Here’s why I wrote this book: In the beginning of 2017 I started to suspect that the reason why my period has been missing for ten years, has something to do with my excessive training and under eating habits in the past.
I had come to this conclusion after talking to my acupuncturist who suggested that I should stop working out as intensely, start eating more and gain some weight.
But there were very few resources that proved me that that’s really the case.
I found a few blogs that were helpful, but I wasn’t still sure if what I’m dealing with is really hypothalamic amenorrhea, meaning, if I really lost my period due to over exercising and under eating…
Then I found the book No Period, Now What and joined the Facebook group. With the help of this book and group, I finally realized that what I was dealing with was really hypothalamic amenorrhea and I had lost my period due to over exercising and under eating.
I've been recovered for almost two years now, and I’ve gained a lot of experience on how to deal with changes that I had to go through to get my hormones balanced (and of course, in addition to all the knowledge I gained, I also gained weight and believe it or not, self-confidence!).
Since I started recovery, it took me five months to see my period in TEN years (with just one random exception), and I want to share with you what I did to get here.
What You’ll Find in This Book
In this book, you’ll find
- A questionnaire that helps you to understand if you really have hypothalamic amenorrhea
- The health effects that overtraining may have on women
- The reasons why you likely lost your period
- What went wrong in your body so that you lost your period
- The reasons you need your period back
- What to do and what NOT to do, if you’re serious about getting your hormones balanced again
- The reasons why your body image may be out whack and how to fix it
- How you’ve been a victim of beauty ideals that have been forced on you by society, and how to change that
- How to live a healthy, obsession free life
- How I personally got into hypothalamic amenorrhea – and came out on the other side of it.
This book is super actionable; there’s no confusing terms or scientific studies. It’s a no BS manual that helps you to get your health back on track if you’re willing to work on it. And by working, I mean sitting still, maybe doing some yoga and eating chocolate. There could be worse ways to fix your health, right?
Is This Book For You?
This book is for you, if you lost your period and
- It happened after you started exercising regularly or started training more or at higher intensity than you used to
- You lost some weight or got on a restrictive diet (you counted calories and kept them low, went low-carb, no-carb, low-fat, no-fat, strict Paleo, vegan… you name it – whatever the way was you restricted your food intake!)
- You’re easily stressed out (because of relationships, school, work, money…)
- You haven’t seen your period over three months (and of course, you’re NOT pregnant or going through menopause!)
- You wan’t a quick and clear understanding of WHY you lost your period, and you’re not interested in confusing scientific terms that are hard to even say (hypothalamic amenorrhea is pushing it anyway, right?)
- You want to know what you can DO to get your period back, and what you should NOT do
- If you want a quick, simple read that helps you get started with your recovery TODAY.
If You Need Additional Help
This book isn’t a scientific study. If you're looking for a detailed explanation of all the ins and outs of HA, your best resource is NPNW. My ebook is based on my own experience and experience of those women who have shared their hypothalamic amenorrhea journey with me, and those women that I have helped to overcome exercise-induced amenorrhea.
If you have any questions about the book, please send them my way! And I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. 🙂
Disclaimer: When reading this book, keep in mind that I’m not a health care professional. All advice in this book is based on my own experience and it has worked well with women that I’ve been able to help, but none of it should be used to replace professional medical advice or treatment. You are responsible for actions you take regarding your health.
Do you have hypothalamic amenorrhea? Learn how to eat to recover from it.
You can also apply for 1:1 coaching with me!
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