Some time ago, I was happy to meet June Kamerling, the owner of El Cerrito Fitness Studio. June is the sweetest person and kindly invited me to join her Primal Pilates Class. After the class, which was a lot of fun, I stayed there for a bit and we had a lot to chat about!
Some great ideas were born and I am now happy to announce that I will be teaching a 4-week Kettlebell Workshop in El Cerrito Fitness Studio.
>> Click here to sign up <<
Choose the Workshops tab on that page!
4-Week Kettlebell Workshop
Have you waited for this chance for some time already? Then, sign up right now! (Choose Workshops on that page!)
If you are not sure why you should take this course or kettlebells are completely new to you, keep reading. I will tell you why you should do this.
Why Kettlebells?
Building Muscle Strength
Building Lean Muscle Mass
Improving Endurance
Promoting Flexibility
Strengthening Joints
Improving athletic performance
in running, biking, triathlon and other sports
Building Mental Strength
Improving Overall Health
What is the Course About?
In this four week course, we will move through the most basic kettlebell movements to advanced ones, and do several drills to put your new skills in use.
All movements will be done under my close supervision. Your safety is of the highest importance.
When and Where?
>> Click here to sign up <<
Choose the Workshops tab on that page!
El Cerrito Fitness is located 10883 San Pablo, El Cerrito, CA.
Are you still offering classes or possibly private kettlebell lessons?