Today I'm sharing with you how I've finally found my truest health, although it took me many years to get here.
It All Started with Overtraining…
It all started with overtraining… It started slowly. Overtraining doesn't start feeling terrible overnight. But if you train harder than you recover, over many months and years, you start getting weaker and weaker. That will always end up with.. Burnout.
I Burned Out
BURNOUT (left pic). I hit a point where I was pushing myself to get out of the door to the gym. This is where I know things were bad — I had lost workout motivation. I had been working out regularly since I was 9, and this had never happened to me before. The next step was… Recovering.
I Had to Recover From Overtraining
RECOVERING (middle picture). It took a complete 180 to take my health back and to get my metabolism working again. I went from hard workouts 6x/week and really controlling my food, to walking and yoga and eating really, really freely. No limits in terms of what and how much. I ate literally everything. I gained weight. This phase was absolutely necessary to restore my health, and to learn to accept myself at any size. Finally, I've reached… Real, sustainable health.
What Real, Sustainable Health Looks Like to Me
REAL, SUSTAINABLE HEALTH (right picture). This is were I'm currently at. I've found the MIDDLE GROUND between being extremely controlling and super lax.
To me, REAL HEALTH looks like this:
✅Working out consistently and regularly, AND ⭐️ taking both built-in and unplanned rest days if needed.
✅Exercising to feel good and be healthy, AND ⭐️ to maintain my muscle, and refusing to feel guilt for having this body goal.
✅Eating & drinking what I want, including 🍫and 🍷AND at the same time ⭐️ keeping my meals mostly nutrition dense.
✅Eating without rules, AND ⭐️ taking care of my needs which means eating low-ish sugar and moderate carbs to manage my jumping blood sugar and keep my period🩸pains under control.
✅Accepting myself fully AND ⭐️ every single day, continuing my spiritual practice to take care of my truest Self.
Right now, I'm the truest me that I've ever felt and each step on this journey has been necessary to get here.
Where Are You on Your Journey?
Where are you on your journey? Burnout, Recovering, True Health?
If you need help with getting out of the burnout mode, through recovery, and find your True Health, I'm happy to help you! I've helped dozens of women do that. Get in touch here.
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