ANNOUNCING: Eat for Health program + 25 recipes is now open and available!
You've probably seen me on my Instagram stories, cooking more than usual, so that's what I've been working on 😊
Eat for Health is a program meant for women who have been under eating, and as a result, developed symptoms like fatigue, loss of period, hair loss, brittle skin, sleep issues, low libido…
FOOD is the medicine. CALORIES heal you!
Some weight gain is necessary to bring your body back to balance. But getting healthy can be very tasty 😋
In this program, you'll learn
1️⃣How much you should eat if you have HA or other under eating symptoms
2️⃣Simple tips how to take in more calories but not stuffing yourself
3️⃣What to do about extreme hunger during recovery
4️⃣mindset tools that make the necessary weight gain easier
5️⃣Recipe book: 25 recipes for healthy weight gain
6️⃣Simple snack guide.
Eat for Health is available until Tuesday, August 13th 2019!
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