Do you need constant validation from others? For example, do you wonder often: Am I ugly?
If so, please check out the video below… or read the blog post!
So, are you ugly?
Apparently, ten thousand people google the following question every month: Am I Ugly?
And if you try to google it too, you see that there are even entire websites dedicated to help you figure out if you actually are ugly or not. WHAATT? We're letting a random website tell us whether or not we're ugly? And then let our mood and confidence and life be determined by that?
For Years, I Needed Validation Too…
The constant need for validation is real. I know it very well. For years, I was absolutely sure that there's nothing pretty about me. So I decided to get my body in a smoking hot shape so I had at least that if I wasn't pretty. You know what happened as a result… Crazy hormonal issues, overtraining, chronic fatigue, hypothalamic amenorrhea, eating disorder. It's a long list, and it came with a high price!
Do You Need Others to Validate You?
If you find yourself needing validation for your looks, here are some things to think about:
1. It's Okay If Not Everyone Likes Us.
No matter what we look like (or do, or act) there will be people who don't like it. Period. And that's the most normal thing ever. We don't like everyone either, right? Let's let everyone have their opinion.
2. Our Looks Is Not Everything.
Let's not put all our eggs in one basket — in the weight or beauty basket. We all have other roles in our lives than being pretty. It's silly to put so much effort into staying skinny or being pretty and neglect all the other areas.
3. Find a Bigger Goal.
We all are in the world to accomplish something bigger than making sure everyone likes us (which as we know is impossible). What can we create? Who can we teach? Where can we let our unique gifts shine and who can we help through that?
4. Simply Stop Asking for Validation.
Lastly, this is a no-brainer but if we want to not rely on other people's opinions, we have to stop asking for validation. For example, when we're shopping with our friend, let's not repeat that same old “I've gained fat, I look awful”. Or if we're eating, let's stop asking if our partner thinks it's “too much”. How would they now?
And finally..
Stop Googling “Am I Ugly?”
Stop asking for validation and also, please don't even google the phrase “Am I Ugly?” 🙂
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