Watch this video or keep reading, to se what are the 5 hacks that are guaranteed to stop your weight obsession.
Before we start, I want one thing to be clear: I am not completely anti weight loss. I do believe that in some individuals, weight loss is needed and healthy. However, if you're reading this, you're very likely not that person who needs to lose weight. More likely, you're someone who might gain some, or at least stop overtraining and under eating, which may have lead to too much weight loss.
If you're in the latter group, and you would like to stop being so obsessed with the number on the scale, I have some tips for you.
Here they are:
Get Off the Scale
I know it may seem super hard, but yes, you are able to do it. The scale is not a physical person who can somehow make us to get on it. We simply have to make a decision and not get on that thing. By the way, it doesn't mean giving up. It actually means healing our mind from this obsession that is standing on our way to living a better, happier, obsession-free life.
Stop Engaging In Any Weight Loss Conversations
Even just hearing weight loss stories, or hearing someone telling about their recent diet, may be harmful. When we hear someone's stories and catch ourselves thinking that that's great, I want to do the same — we're automatically sending our brains the signal that weight loss is good and we have to do it too.
Stop Making Assumptions Based on Someone's Look
It's a common thing in our society to assume that when someone looks thin or normal weight, they are healthy, and if someone is even slightly outside of what we've been used to see as healthy, they're automatically unhealthy. Very often, our assumptions about someone's health, if they're just based on bodyweight, aren't correct. So, we have to stop judging that way.
Stop Any Diets
As long as we keep being on diets, we won't stop thinking about weight loss because weight loss is the goal of most diets. When we diet, we prioritize weight loss, when we prioritise weight loss, we often do so to the point where it becomes obsessive. If we really want to be free from weight obsessions, we have to stop diets, and focus on health, not the number.
Get Picky About Who You Follow on Social Media
This is absolutely critical! If we constantly feed our brains weight loss info, we admire people who are very thin or lean, who under eat severely or train really hard to achieve their goals, and we're constantly watching this stuff on social media, we're telling our brains that this is what we have to achieve too. And it's impossible to let go of weight obsession that way.
By following these five tips, we find ourselves less and less obsessed with our weight, and more interested in our health. And this is the best change we can want for ourselves.