Hey there!
It's time for another video, and in this one, we talk about working out while recovering from hypothalamic amenorrhea.
The main thing is this: You need to slow down a lot, and preferably cut out any intense exercise – as recommended in NPNW.
Here are the five topics that I cover in this video:
- Cutting back on exercise: How much exactly? Can you run 30 miles per week if you previously ran 50?
- Consider your daily movement. Maybe you move a lot on top of what you do in the gym, you just haven't realized it!
- If you can't run or do Crossfit… What are the forms of exercise that you can do?
- You likely want to schedule and plan to a detail even your lighter exercise, like walking and yoga, and never miss a day… But you need to let go of endless scheduling and planning, and stop your monkey mind!
- What else can you do instead of working out? What do you do with your time?
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If you have already recovered hypothalamic amenorrhea and want to start training again, my program Simple Strength for Women helps you to do it safely, without you losing your period again!
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