Do you have food fears and obsessions?
Things like…
Every single one of my meals has to be planned.
I have to know exactly where we're going to eat.
I'm going to run to the grocery store even in the middle of the night if I'm running out of my “safe” foods.
My lunch is at 12 and I won't eat at 11:30 because what if I'm hungry for my 3pm snack at 2:30?
I won't go to my friends house because I don't have any food prepped that I could bring with me, and I can't eat whatever the have because CALORIES.
When I hear these things☝🏻from women, all I can tell is that I KNOW how you feel.
Because this was me too.
I felt like I'm in control although interestingly this control felt like a prison.
I wanted to eat out and be normal, I really did, but I didn't trust it would work.
I had to have my apples and baby carrots in hand because if I ran out, that would have meant I'm possibly going to have to eat something “fattening” (now I rarely want to eat any raw carrots anymore… I got sick of them!)
I did all this because I was so scared to gain weight and lose my identity as this “fit and dedicated person”.
I was 20-30 lbs smaller (some fluctuations between 2007-2017) than now and thought that keeping my weight low is more important than having sanity and health.
It wasn't.
I started eating normally, one step at the time. You can do it too. You don't have to cut all your habits today. You can do it more gradually:
🥘 For one week, stop weighing your food.
🥘 Next week, go out to a restaurant without spending hours studying the menu beforehand.
🥘 Next week, eat when you're truly hungry instead of waiting when it's “the right time”.
🥘 Next week, eat that one “forbidden” food that you haven't had in years.
You can handle this, I promise. Are you going to gain weight? Some people do and others don't. I did because I was really undernourished, but those who aren't, find that it stays the same.
But that's what's for sure: You'll get your hormones back, friends back, time back, your LIFE back. It's worth it.
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