I'm so excited that we're doing this challenge together!
Here are the nuts and bolts of this challenge:
- All the important things happen in our closed Facebook group. Make sure you join now!
- The challenge starts on Thursday, April 25th and ends on Saturday, May 4th – total of 10 days
- Over the course of 10 days, I’m going to teach you 4 practices that allow you to eat your favorite foods without over indulging on them
- Every 2 days, I you'll find a new video in the Facebook group, explaining the next practice and the homework. Every new practice is built on the previous one(s)
- Share, share, share your experience and homework in our Facebook group! Support and cheer others! It's much easier to do it together
- After 10 days, you're able eat your typical “binge foods” in small amounts without over eating them!
- I'd love for you to share your photos on social media as well, using the hashtag #10PercentSolution!
You're ready to do this? That's great! But before we get started, here are a few things that you have to keep in mind:
- Don’t be too hard on yourself if not everything goes the way you planned, on the very first time. New habits are hard to learn. If you’ve been scared of certain foods for years and/or binged on them, it’s difficult to change overnight. Be kind to yourself, because sometimes this can feel like learning a new language!
- For practicing these new habits, pick a time of a day when you aren’t extremely hungry. After breakfast, lunch or dinner is the best time
- Get proper sleep and rest! Not sleeping enough is one major triggers for bingeing
- Eliminate big distractions while working on these new habits. Being present is really important for understanding your body’s signals, but it’s hard to do when you’re multitasking or constantly distracted
- Know though that you’re not expected to eat without any distractions forever – sometimes you will read a book or watch TV when eating! However, to first learn how to eat with 100% presence, do your best to minimize the distractions
- Eating #10PercentSolution style doesn’t mean that you’re never going to eat more than 3 bites of ice cream or a single square of chocolate! There will absolutely be times when you do eat more and that’s okay. But these times will become much less frequent. It’s important to tune in to your body – only then you can learn to be satisfied with smaller amounts
- This is not a weight loss program. The goal is to learn to eat your favorite foods in reasonable amounts so that you can have a really good relationship with them, instead of being afraid of them. Weight loss may or may not happen, but it shouldn't be the reason why you're here.
I'd love