If you've ever thought about working with me, I’m excited to offer you something that I’ve never offered before…
This Thanksgiving, the 45-minute Solution Session is available to you for only $49.
This will be the only time I ever offer it for this price.
Here's what you can get help with in a Solution Session:
- Anything related to Hypothalamic Amenorrhea:
- Do I actually have it?
- Is my food intake sufficient to recover?
- Am I eating the right things?
- How to eat and train once I’m recovered?
- Why am I still not getting my period although I'm doing everything right?
- What should I tweak?
- Nutrition audit:
- Why am I constipated?
- Why can’t I sleep at night?
- Why do I get hungry in the middle of the night?
- Am I eating enough?
- Exercise audit:
- Am I doing enough and right type of exercise?
- Why am I not seeing progress?
- I tend to burn myself out, what I’m I doing wrong?
These are just some of the struggles that I help people with, but if you would like to get help with something that's not on the list, I can help you with that too.
Here's what happens after you sign up:
- I will send you my calendar where you can schedule your call. The calendar will be sent to your email within 12 hours after you've paid.
- You will write your food and fitness log (no, you don’t have to count calories) for 3-4 days before our call, so I have a good overview of what you're doing and can make informed recommendations.
- Depending on your problem, I may ask you additional questions before we hop on the call. I really want you to get tons of value out of your 45 minutes!
This special price of $49 for The Solution Session is only good through Monday, December 2nd at midnight PDT.
But that's not all…
Here’s the sweetest part of the deal:
Everyone who books their call before Sunday midnight PDT will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!
So if you’re lucky, you will basically get your Solution Session for free.
P.S. – There are only 10 spots available at this price, so if you want to book a session, click here to sign up now.