The Mindset Muscle Bootcamp is a workshop that helps women overcome poor body image, diet fatigue, negative mindsets and harmful unconscious self talk.
In this workshop, you will learn:
- Why losing weight may not mean that you're getting healthier (in fact, it may be the opposite)
- Why diets can ruin your health and what to do instead
- Why you might actually be healthier than someone who “looks healthy” on the outside
- The true definition of health
- How to identify, stop and change both conscious and unconscious negative self talk
Why “The Perfect Body” is Broken
We live in a world where it's common to think that whoever has the leanest body is automatically the most disciplined, healthy and successful.
“She's definitely happy because she has visible abs!”
…is what we have been taught to believe.
But this is not necessarily the case.
In this workshop, we talk about why pursuing the leanest body can end up being mentally and physically unhealthy…even dangerous.
I know because I've been there and have seriously damaged my health. Luckily, I was able to reverse the effects of my negative mindset and I've since helped many other women do the same.
My Story in a Nutshell
Weight loss is probably the number one goal every time the new year rolls around.
Several years ago, it wasn't just my New Year's Resolution…it was my obsession.
…and I excelled at it!
For a period of about 5 to 6 years, the number on the scale used to be my sole measure of success.
My life literally revolved around my weight.
Nearly every decision I made depended on how it would affect my weight. I counted every calorie I ate and ran at least an hour every day to keep my weight down.
I got compliments for my health and discipline. On the outside, I was the perfect picture of “healthy.”
But being skinny didn't make me as happy as I thought it would.
…and unknown to me at the time, it was damaging my physical health.
On the inside, my mental health started suffering. Negative self talk and beating myself up for “flaws” that only I saw, also made me really depressed.
While I was hitting the right number on the scale, I totally ignored the fact that my health was falling apart.
It was a downward spiral that just kept on getting worse…
…until one day, I decided that I had enough!
So I started to figure out ways to change my situation. It all began with small shifts my mindset and it snowballed from there.
What You Will Learn in this Workshop
In this workshop, you will learn how to implement the same strategies that helped me identify and beat the mental roadblocks that were preventing me from having true health, personal satisfaction and peace of mind.
We will do this through presentations and fun, simple exercises in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
I want to show you why we should not focus on the scale if we want to become healthier and I will give you better tools to measure your health.
I also want you to realize that our health is strongly impacted by the way we talk to ourselves.
You may not even realize that the language that you use when you compare yourself to other women or see a number on the scale that you don't like. Negative self talk is not serving you, and I want you to start noticing and stop doing it.
Mindset Muscle Bootcamp Details
I hope you join me at the Mindset Muscle Bootcamp!
What to bring: Come with an open mind. Be ready to do some self-reflection exercises and learn to think differently!
Ice Chamber Athletic Performance
2700 Rydin Rd, Unit G
Richmond, California
When: Saturday, 3/17 at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Dress: Comfortable! It's a gym, so sweats and sneakers are perfect.
Who: The event is for women only.
See you there!
If you have any questions, contact me here.