The goal of my work is to make healthy living, healthy eating and working out as simple as possible.
Because there's too much overwhelming information out there, that, instead of making health and fitness simple and doable for everyone, ends up doing the complete opposite…
Crash diet after a crash diet.
Starting a new, super extreme exercise regimen every month. Despite the great plans, you're done after one week.
Beating yourself up for not being able to keep your resolutions–but what else did you expect from extreme dieting and running yourself to the ground, working out hours every day?
Urban Jane is Different.
Here's what I believe in, and what my workouts, training, eating and philosophy are based on:
- Keep the workouts short. Around 30 minutes a day is enough to get and stay in shape.
- Workout anywhere. Don't limit yourself to just your gym, get creative.
- Get some fresh air. I recommend you do most of your workouts outside.
- Workout at home. You can get in the best shape of your life without leaving the house, if you want to. Personally, 95% of my workouts are done in my backyard.
- Staying consistent matters the most. It's by far more beneficial to workout 4-6 times a week and 15 minutes at once, as opposed to once a week for two hours.
- Keep moving. Walk, ride the bike, run, take the stairs also outside of your workouts. It all adds up and improves your health.
- Don't forget to rest. Overtraining will have many negative effects on your body. Injuries, but also hormonal problems like hypothalamic amenorrhea are some examples of them.
- Focus on getting stronger and feeling better, not on the looks or weight. Don't let the society, social media and other distractions tell you what the “right” body looks like. Getting stronger and as a result, being capable to do more and improve your life quality are so much more important than the looks.
- Your looks doesn't define your worth. It just doesn't. You're an awesome person, and 10 lbs less of you doesn't make you a better person, just like 10 lbs more of you does't make you worse as a human being.
- Your weight or body mass index doesn't necessarily define your health. We can be healthy and fit in many shapes and sizes. Heavier person can be healthier than lighter person. Lower weight doesn't equal with better health.
- Eat simply, but healthy. Some of the tastiest meals are made in 15 minutes and put together from just 3 healthy ingredients.
- Learn to cook. Really useful if you want to make healthier choices.
- There's no need to count calories or weigh and measure foods. Your body knows and will tell you when it's full–just take time to listen to what it has to say.
- No extreme diets. Dieting your heart out may give you short-time results, but it's never sustainable. If any of those quick fixes worked, why do we still keep trying one diet after another?
- Have a treat. It's no life without chocolate and wine, and if you keep the amounts moderate, nothing bad will happen.
Simple, right?
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