If you lost your period because you have hypothalamic amenorrhea, what most people tell you is that you need to eat more and exercise less to get it back.
While that's definitely a big part of the story, things can be a little more detailed than that.
Maybe your biggest problem is actually stress. You’re anxious, worried, your work drives you nuts… But you may have never thought that your stress can throw your hormones off balance.
I know of a woman who was a teacher and the only time she would get her period was during the summer when she wasn’t working!
She had to start adding small self care practices to her everyday life that helped her to really relax. She had to find ways to reduce the work stress. It took some time and staying consistent, and then slowly but surely, she started getting her period more often and eventually every month.
Maybe you don't seem to work out that much. Maybe you work out only 30 minutes a day and wonder, can that really cause you to lose your period. Because your girlfriend does an hour of cardio and another hour of weights daily and she gets her period! So can it really be your workouts?
Exercise probably plays a big role in why you have hypothalamic amenorrhea, but for some people, this isn't the main cause.
There are people that say that you need to drop all exercise, stop even walking and become completely sedentary. Know that you probably don't have to do this.
When it comes to eating, then just eating more – no matter what it is – may not be the best advice.
Yes, you might be over estimating how much you really eat, and you may have to eat much more that you do right now. I’m not going to hide that you very likely will gain some weight during your recovery. But maybe you’re lacking something in your diet? Should you be eating more carbs or fat? What about the frequency of your meals, should you adjust that?
There's no one size fits all solution.
There are many questions you personally need to answer to, in order to see why you are not getting your period. Let's find out what exactly is wrong.
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