1:1 Coaching with Kersten
Get Your Period Back, Increase Fertility, Stop Bone Loss And More!
Do you feel exhausted all the time?
Can you barely train like you used to, and does your recovery take forever?
Are you always worried about your next workout and what to eat?
Are you always cold, often tired and irritable?
Is your sex drive gone?
Are you are living in a constant brain fog?
Has your period gone missing?
You seem to be completely stuck…
I Get It, I’ve Been There Too…
I used to run at least 10k, six days a week…
…and for a while, I loved it!
I was getting faster and fitter. Everyone was telling me that I had such great willpower and discipline. I was proud of myself.
But as I got thinner and thinner, I got addicted to weight loss and running. I started to eat less, diligently count calories and avoid fat.
The reason why I ran so much was no longer to become a better runner.
The focus changed: All I wanted was to maintain my low bodyweight.
This is when something started to happen to my health. Suddenly, my lifestyle was taking a toll and I was not feeling great…
- Running became much harder – I would force myself to go, but I wasn’t getting the runner’s high I was used to.
- I couldn't sleep – I used to be able to sleep through the night and now I was constantly waking up with racing mind and obsessive thoughts. My mind was occupied with how many calories I'm going to have with my breakfast!
- I weighed myself every single day – My mood depended on what the scale showed.
- I thought about food all the time – My schedule revolved around my workouts and meals.
- I was cold – I was freezing when everyone else was in tank tops and shorts!
- I was always brain-foggy – I was studying for my PhD at the time and I would read articles for hours, yet I would not comprehend or even remember anything that I had just read.
Oh, and since starting that weight loss, overtraining and dieting journey…
What I Discovered After My Period Stopped
Years went by, with no period…
I found weights and lifting and I started to run less.
I started lifting. My relationship with food changed and I no longer cared to count my calories.
I wanted to get stronger and I knew food was important for that.
But I was still training six days a week, and my workouts were very intense. Some of my symptoms got better, but many of them were still there.
…and I didn’t get my period.
I went to an acupuncturist for an unrelated condition, and mentioned that my period had stopped.
He Suggested That I May Have A Condition Called Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Say whaaat?
I learned that Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) is a condition that many active women experience.
They lose their period, often because of overtraining and under eating.
Hypothalamic amenorrhea can have many serious effects on your health, like the ones I was already experiencing and more that I didn’t want!
I kind of knew, deep down, that I was probably overtraining, but I was scared to stop pushing myself and gain a lot of weight.
But I started to learn more about this topic and realized that getting my period back was the key that could help me many of my other health problems.
I started to rest, eat more and trust myself and my body. Even though I wasn't sure if it would help, I had no better ideas what to do, but I knew I had to do something.
I healed myself. Although I am not a medical doctor, I was able to restore my cycle and have helped others do the same.
You can do it too.
- I have my cycle back again
- I am feeling happy, healthy, and confident in my body
- I sleep better
- My hair is stronger
- My digestion is much better
- I no longer obsess about workouts and food
- I take plenty of rest days without feeling guilty
- My workouts make me feel energized rather than exhausted
- I can hold conversations because my mind is clear
- I can actually remember what I read and listened!
- I'm no longer a slave of the scale.
Ever since I have gone through this, I have been on a mission to help other women get their lives back from overtraining, food obsessions, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and many related conditions.
Since I have been there, I can hold your hand throughout the entire process.
Warning: This condition can easily be misdiagnosed.
Suggested remedies can include: taking birth control pills, doing nothing, or even more training!
These things won't help. They only make things worse.
Don't think that losing your period is normal just because there are other women who don't get theirs either.
Because it absolutely isn't normal and can have serious consequences later.
So let’s get to the bottom of this together, shall we?
Why Should You Want Your Period Back?
- Physical and mental exhaustion, caused mostly by excessive exercise and dieting
- Low body temperature, often feeling cold
- Infertility
- Digestive issues, most often constipation
- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- Achy bones
- Low or no sex drive – which sooner or later starts to affect your relationship with your partner!
- Brittle nails and hair, hair falling out
- Obsessive behavior related to food and working out
- Overall low energy
- Problems with your social life, often caused by your extreme diet and exercise habits.
Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of some or all of these things and finally have a healthy, obsession-free life again?
This program is for you, if you want to live a long and healthy life, free from long-term effects of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea…
- Osteoporosis (loss of bone density), or osteopenia, which is a step before osteoporosis. Even if you think that your bones are strong because you run or lift weights often, these things will NOT do the job that your body will do naturally by ovulating and menstruating regularly
- Heart disease. Even if you think that your heart is healthy because you exercise so much, it’s not often the case – women with HA are prone to atherosclerosis
- Cognitive diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease. Women who have experienced HA have higher risk in developing cognitive diseases than those who have a regular monthly cycle.
But you can change all this. You can get your period back, you can reverse bone loss, and you can feel healthy, happy and fit again without overdoing it. And I would be happy to be there for you, helping you get through this!
How Do You Know If 1:1 Coaching Is For You?
- You are not pregnant
- You had your period in the past (if you’ve never had it, this program is NOT for you)
- There are no anatomical reasons for NOT having a period (missing uterus, for example)
- Your doctor has ruled out pituitary tumor (this is a very rare occurrence, so don't panic!)
- You don’t have PCOS*.
*NOTE ON PCOS: Many women are diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) when their periods are missing. To be sure this is really the case, your doctor needs to do a vaginal ultrasound AND check your hormone levels to detect elevated “male” hormones. You will likely also notice excessive hair growth in places where women don’t usually have hair, and you will likely have severe acne. If you really have PCOS, this program isn't right for you.
- Exercised consistently (yes, 30 minutes a day is consistent too!), often obsessively
- Limited your food intake by counting calories, tracking macros or eating very “clean” to maintain or lose body weight
- Have lost 10 lbs/5 kg or more of your bodyweight, even if it happened years ago
- Experiencing a lot of mental or emotional stress caused by your work, family, finances and/or your relationship with food and exercise.
What You Get By Enrolling In This Guided Program
- Weekly calls with me
- My 5-Step Roadmap for beating HA (manage your meals, movement, stress, supplements and body image)
- Unlimited email support. I will always get back to you in 48 hours (except in the weekends or if otherwise noted).
- Zero judgment. I'm here to provide you a safe and confidential environment for you to get healthier. I don't care about what you have done before, only how you can move past it.
Let's Do This!
Here's What People Are Saying
– Alyssa
– Paola
I have all the symptoms, but I’m not underweight. Can I still have Hypothalamic Amenorrhea?
Absolutely. Your body mass index (BMI) can be what is considered “normal”, yet you may still have HA. That’s exactly what happened to me. Read more about this topic here.
I don't have all the symptoms you mentioned. I'm actually feeling pretty good. But my period is missing! Can you still help me?
Yes. You don't have to have all the symptoms I listed before. They also may manifest differently — some people have insomnia while others want to sleep all the time!
Also, sometimes we don't even know how good we're supposed to feel or look! For example, I never had particularly bad skin, but it has gotten SO much better now and I'm getting a lot of compliments on it!
If your period is missing but you don't have other symptoms (or you simply don't notice them), I can still help you to get your period back.
How exactly are you going to help me? I think I can do it by myself.
If you think you can do it by yourself, you can definitely try!
Here's what I've seen though: People send me emails asking advice even a few years after they started their recovery. That means that they weren't able to do it. Maybe they didn't know what to do, or maybe they just couldn't hold themselves accountable and actually do it.
I'm coaching you through every stage of recovery, offering you the best solutions that I know. And every time I learn something new that helps you to get closer to your goal, you will learn it too.
Get Started Today
DISCLAIMER: I will take no responsibility for the choices that you make regarding to your health. By enrolling in this program, you acknowledge that you alone are responsible for any action you take. I am not a medical doctor, but I do have person experience with this condition. If you have any doubts, please consult a board certified medical doctor. If you feel that anything above is not true, please do not enroll in this program.