A FREE 10-Day Nutrition Challenge: How to Eat Your Favorite Foods Without Over Eating them!
Women tell me all the time that they have to avoid certain foods because if they don't, they over eat them. They even think that they're addicted to chocolate, ice cream, cookies, peanut butter or brownies…
Have you ever promised yourself to stay away from chocolate (or whatever your “binge food” is)? You may be excited about this decision, and even do well for a while. You think that this time, you really got this!
But then the cravings start to kick in, and as much as you try to fight them, you can't help but go find that chocolate bar that you hid from yourself in the deepest corner of the kitchen cabinet. And then you feel like you can't stop. You finish this bar and go buy some more, because, well, screw it!
For a good 6-7 years, this exact scenario happened to me more often than I want to admit. Today, I've completely stopped binge eating.
This is why I created The 10 Percent Solution – a program that teaches you how to eat your favorite foods so that they make roughly 10% percent of your daily meals. You don't have to calculate the exact percentages but yes, you really can stop at few pieces of chocolate!
This is really the ultimate solution to over eating, because unlike most diets, you never have to avoid foods. If you practice the 10 Percent Solution, nothing is ever off limits.
Most people think that in order to stay healthy and fit, they need to completely stay away from certain foods. But if this approach worked, we would never over eat after a period of restriction.
They also think that if they want to eat chocolate, they need to meticulously track every gram. They don't. You can put your calorie tracking app away right now, and stop worrying if this piece fits your daily macros.
I'm super excited to announce my FREE 10-day challenge, called the 10 Percent Solution Challenge, that kicks off on Thursday, April 24th!